Media Incubator: Vision of Professional Education

Project facts

Project promoter:
Michael – Secondary school and College of Advertising and Art(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Comprehensive secondary school Borgarholtsskóli(IS)
Hadsel Secondary School(NO)
Other Project Partners
ANDYS Design(CZ)

More information


The project “Media Incubator: Vision of Professional Education” was created to form an international environment for the school management, professional teachers and providers of vocational training for students. The Incubator would be a melting pot for the exchange of experience, knowledge and methods related to the organization, implementation and supervision of the vocational training for students at secondary and tertiary professional schools in multimedia, art and creative industries. Our goal is to support the dual educational system and increase the efficiency of vocational training. We want to apply the ECVET principles and Units of Learning Outcomes in practice while evaluating work in multimedia, art and creativity.
MICHAEL- The Secondary School and College of Advertising and Art is the project promoter. Our partners are two schools focusing on the same fields, one from Norway and the other one from Iceland. We also cooperate with the company ANDYS DESIGN that provides vocational training for students in interior design and manufacturing. The project goals will be accomplished through mutual study visits, on-line meetings and workshops for the school management, professional teachers and providers of vocational training. Subsequently, the curriculum will be adapted to the acquired experience and competences, evaluation will be adjusted to the ECVET principles, and reaccreditation for the Tertiary Professional School will be prepared for September 2022.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to improve professional education, to make professional training more efficient, to expand international cooperation, and to support lifelong learning of pedagogues. It enabled to acquire knowledge about the Norwegian and Icelandic educational system, shared our experience with the international partners and to support the synergy of theoretical education and vocational training. The project created an international workspace for school management, pedagogues, companies, and experts from practice providing students with the vocational training and learning. Within this space, the participants had the opportunity to share and exchange the experience, knowledge, and methodology related to the organization, implementation, management and evaluation of vocational internships and training for the students of secondary and tertiary vocational schools focused on multimedia, arts, and creative industries. The outcomes of the cooperation were the newly acquired experience and competences of professional staff, the adaptation to ECVET principles and determination of the Units of Learning Outcomes, which are necessary while evaluating skills and competences in vocational training. The changes in the school curriculum based on newly acquired experience were made and reaccreditation of the educational program for the Tertiary Vocational School was submitted to Ministry of Education and subsequently the new programme was accredited. The beneficiaries are also the students who will benefit from this project through their teachers and new curriculum. Students will acquire new professional skills reflecting the demands and competitiveness in the job market and they will better meet needs of employers and benefit our school, business, and creative industry. Our school thus gains prestige in the field of vocational education.

Summary of bilateral results

We contacted two donor partners from Norway and Iceland. We found that we had the common interest- to work together on a specific outcome, to gain new knowledge, experience, to find and established new connections and to make new partnerships.Project provided teachers and experts from practice with opportunities which would help them with the development of their professional skills and got the information about educational system abroad.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.