Activation of students'' entrepreneurial competencies

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hotel School, Business Academy and Industrial School Teplice(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Fitjar upper-secondary school(NO)

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The vocational training project builds on our cooperation with our Norwegian partner and at the same time looks for new topics and ways of joint work. The aim of the project is to support business competencies of students of the Business Academy in Teplice. Three Czech teachers will participate in internships in Norway and, by attending theoretical and practical lessons, they will get innovative ideas they will share with their Czech colleagues once they return home. There will also be five courses for all the students of the Business Academy  which will develop their independent and critical thinking in the field of entrepreneurship. Two discussions with successful businessmen will be organised.
Moreover, a training app offering a set of tasks and exercises in the field of accounting will be developed. It will be used by the students in the following years.
The applicant ´s school is attended by more than 100 pupils from different cultural backgrounds (apart from the Roma pupils, more than a half of them are members of Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Napalese and other national minorities). Involving these groups in school projects has been a fundamental vision of our organization. 

Summary of project results

Three teachers of economic subjects travelled for a study stay that lasted five days, each day they devoted themselves to a topic from the field of entrepreneurial competence and their development. After returning from Norway, the teachers implemented their experience in teaching, five blocks were created for different grades, during which students of the business academy acquired entrepreneurial competences. A manual was created according to which entrepreneurial competences can be taught across all years, basic information, and competences for the first year such as the creation of swot analysis as well as more complex matters such as the graphic design of the company logo, marketing matters or work in SW Canva are listed here. At the end of the project, more than 200 students went through the training and increased their entrepreneurial skills.

Summary of bilateral results

The partner school inspired us in the fact that the education of individual professional subjects can form one logical unit with the common goal of preparing students for an independent entrepreneurial career. We will continue to be in contact with the partner school through e-mail communication and we will share professional experience with each other.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.