For experiences to Norway

Project facts

Project promoter:
Upper secondary school of chemistry Pardubice(CZ)
Project Number:
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Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Byasen Upper Seconday School(NO)

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In this project, we are planning to carry out study visits to Trondheim of the Czech school’s management and the international cooperation team (4 participants) and mobility to Pardubice of 1 Norwegian teacher. The criterion of the project’s success is  implementation of a new leadership style and management of the school in relation to its internationalization and virtual communication, streamlining of the work of the team for international cooperation, introduction of new teaching methods and increased language level of the participants. In addition, we would like to foster the cooperation with our project partner. This will also fulfill our other objective – improving and making teaching more attractive through cooperation with other European countries.

Summary of project results

Care for the continuous development of the quality of teaching and managing the school is one of the most important priorities of Upper secondary school of chemistry Pardubice. The mandatory obligation of employees to increase their professional and linguistic competencies by participating in foreign mobilities is anchored in the Professional development plan. Similar documents are developed and applied in the Norwegian school alike. This project helped us to address some priorities stated in our strategies. This applies to - improving school management - strengthening the professional competencies of the team for international cooperation - strengthening the competence of the school management in the field of leadership and management - extending internationalization and virtual communication - increasing professional competencies of the staff - establishing strategic partnerships at the international level for the modernization of the school. In this project, we organized study visits to Trondheim for four participants – to deepen their knowledge and exchange experience in the field of management and organization and functioning of the Department for international cooperation). Also, we organised a study visit to Pardubice for one head teacher. Participants acquired knowledge about leadership and project management and about the more effective use of digital tools and platforms for facilitating interactive information sharing and collaboration within the World Wide Web. As a result, by the end of the year, Czech school plans to reorganize the school website and broaden the team for international cooperation by new members. We connected the international department staff and management of both schools for further cooperation.

Summary of bilateral results

Partners exchanged their know-how as to leadership and internationalization and the Czech school will implement and embed learned knowledge, experiences and good practices into ordinary activities at schools (e.g., school internationalization, online/offline communication among their members and with the staff - frequency, ways, targeted focus groups etc.). Gained experiences will streamline the work of the team for international cooperation (formulation of quality indicators, planning and managing projects, frequency of communication – meetings, sharing news etc.) and contribute to better communication between management and the staff and increase the effectiveness of the work of the international department. The partners developed new international relationships and enhanced the schools´ European dimension. They have some new ideas related to the continuation of the cooperation, intend to carry on exchanging staff in various study programmes after the end of the project cooperation, and agreed to develop an Erasmus+ project. They plan to send students for the internship to the partner school/visited companies. Both partners consider the project very useful and successful.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.