Learning and sharing - building long term partnership for preschool educational practices exchange

Project facts

Project promoter:
Forest kindergarten Studánka(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Outdoor kindergarten Småtjern(NO)

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Staff exchanges offer a great opportunity to learn and share new and innovative approaches in preschool education. Studanka and Smatjern are nature kindergartens that were established from the inner motivation of their founders. Institutions are located in the countries with different national approaches towards preschool education. The mutual exchange of their unique experiences will greatly influence both of them. The employees from both institutions will take part in study exchanges. The participants will be involved in daily activities of the kindergarten. Moreover, each participant has chosen a specific topic he/she will focus on (e.g. activities in the nature, activities based on folklore). All the mobility participants will share the gained experience with their colleagues after their return. This will ensure that new approaches will be integrated into education and pedagogic processes as well as into the management of the institutions. The outcomes will be presented to other schools through existing networks both in the Czech Republic and Norway.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to bring outdoor/nature/forest kindergartens in our two countries closer together and in the future and this has been truly realised thanks to the mobility project. Kindergatrten Studanka as an alternative space originated in a country where the educational approach mostly takes place inside. Observing an unstructured approach in a partner institution was what Studanka perceived as a real need for deeper pedagogical development. On the opther side, The Norwegian kindergarten Smatjern was founded in a country where is more flexible space for alternative concepts. The partner expressed the need to create a framework and structure in the educational approach. The aim was to observe this in Studanka.

Through shadowing at partner host institutions, teachers gained deeper experience for their professional practice.

Both institutions affirmed that the principles and values they have as basic pedagogical approaches are correct and important. Studanka began to apply the principles of free play, unstructured organization of the day, deepened the awareness of each child as a unique individual. With the support (gifts from the partner – various working tools), the teachers began to apply new craft activities. Norwegian teachers applied approaches for organizing and structuring the day and activities – rhymes and songs (instead of direct instructions). They were inspired by Studánka''s approach to healthy eating and began to build a kitchen to offer healthy food to children. The teachers strengthened their self-confidence and, together with the children, were more confident in their use of the English language

Summary of bilateral results

The cooperation with the donor partner has been very important for our organisation from the very beginning. Above all, there was the mutual understanding, because we shared the values on philosophy on education for preschool age kids. The Norwegian partner has run the kindergarten for over 20 years and thus his experiences in many levels were for our organisation a treasure and we have benefited from this during the whole project. The teachers from partner´s kindergarten were very experience professionals who were strongly aware of specific approaches in a daily education process and they were very much willing to share these with the teachers from the Czech Republic.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.