Sharing Experience to Streamline Teaching and Increase Motivation For Learning

Project facts

Project promoter:
Secondary School of Nursing in Beroun(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Sudurnes Comprehensive College(IS)

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The project consists of study visits between the Czech secondary school of nursing in Beroun and the Icelandic Sudurnes comprehensive college. Teachers of vocational subjects, natural sciences and humanities as well as the schools’ international coordinators will participate in mobilities. The teachers will job-shadow their colleagues, compare their teaching and evaluation methods as well as their attitude to students. A special attention will be paid to the teaching of and in English (CLIL method) and to work with disadvantaged students. Moreover, the field of nursing, its teaching and organization of practices and public courses will also be discussed. Apart from the improvement of knowledge and skills of the project’s direct participants, the project also brings other benefits to both schools. The knowledge of a different educational system, attitudes and values will inspire other colleagues and motivate them to their own learning which may result in an overall improvement of teaching. The gained knowledge will enrich all the teachers and will have a long-lasting influence both on the participants of the project and their students and schools.

Summary of project results

Language preparation is a part of studies of future hospital staff. We were looking for inspiration on how to make studies of English better and more attractive. We chose the method of job shadowing - we observed how the colleagues teach and focused on how we can use English learning in practical subjects. During the exchange stay of teachers from both countries, we shared teaching experience, we compared studying programmes, conditions for studies, learning methods and attitudes towards learning. We carried out sample classes of science subjects in English, we showed practical teaching of nursing in the hospital and practical rooms at school. We were on a physical and geological tour in the field. We were introduced to the programmer for integration of foreigners and methods for students with special needs. Students from both schools found out many interesting things about life in both countries during special workshops about both countries. We made new teaching materials and we improved the contemporary ones. We will use experience from the exchange trip furthermore in the future for our teaching and collaboration both with colleagues and students from the other country

Summary of bilateral results

Thanks to the visit to the school of the donor country, we had the opportunity to see differences in educational systems and attitudes towards learning and teaching. We will be better prepared for changes which may come with the planned reform of the Czech educational system. This reform will probably be inspired by the donor states educational systems which we studied while on an exchange visit to Iceland. This system supports autonomy of learners, their independent work and bigger space for self-realisation. We would like to continue with the cooperation by doing common online classes in the following school year 2022/23 and for the future we are thinking about possible exchange or out of the country practice for students. When speaking about teachers, we exchanged teaching and learning materials and mutual inspiration has occurred. We would like to keep this personal cooperation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.