Human capital development. Mobility for partnership between Mendel University and University of Iceland to strengthen inclusive education, equal treatment and respect to human rights.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Mendel University in Brno(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
University of Iceland(IS)

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The aim of the project is to strengthen the cooperation and partnership between Mendel University in Brno and University of Iceland, especially in the spheres of inclusive education, equal treatment and respect to human rights. The growing number of students from diverse backgrounds and with various needs is a phenomenon that most universities in Europe have experienced and effectively dealt with. Thus, sharing of their experience is a crucial part of getting through the process of diversification successfully, with the utmost respect for all students.
The project will support mobility activities of two academicians and two Ph.D. students from each university. The possibility to share experience and knowledge, gain digital and intergenerational competences and practice intercultural communication skills will significantly increase employment chances and improve future professional career of the project participants.
This project will also help both partner universities in fulfilling their aims regarding diversity, accessibility, equal opportunities for both students and teachers. The project will help to further develop  cooperation between both institutions, especially with regard to preparation of future projects and publications.

Summary of project results

Main goals of the project were to strengthen inclusive education, equal treatment and respect to human rights mainly by exchange of best practices between students and employees of University of Iceland and Mendel University in Brno. As there is an intensively growing number of international students at both universities, we wanted to share the experience and research in these fields to support and improve the inclusion at all stages. We managed to hold numerous online and physical meetings to discuss problems in given fields and the article called “What are the inequalities in the European labour market? In Iceland, people retire satisfied” was published on webpage. Unfortunately, the project was negatively influenced by two factors. First, was the problem with Covid-19 pandemic and second was the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Nevertheless, we still managed to carry out most of the intended work and we hope that this project was just the beginning of future cooperation between both universities and we are currently settling an Erasmus plus agreement. 

Summary of bilateral results

This project enabled linking the running projects at Mendel University with the ongoing research at University of Iceland and helped both universities to broaden the spheres of research, add new data and started also new cooperation in the field of Human Capital Development. The workflow at the University of Iceland was definitely an inspiration for both students and staff. We expect to continue the cooperation with University of Iceland and there is a plan to submit another project within Horizon Europe and Marie Curie. We are also preparing an Erasmus plus agreement

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