Capacity Building in Mathematics and Statistics Learning Support in Norway and the Czech Republic (MSLS Net)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Brno University of Technology(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
The University of Agder(NO)
University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway(NO)
Other Project Partners
Masaryk University(CZ)
Tomas Bata University(CZ)

More information


The main objective of this project is to improve cooperation between the Czech Republic and Norway in the area of learning support for mathematics and statistics in higher education institutions. Our inspiration stems from almost thirty years of experience of sigma, an established network for Mathematics and Statistics Learning Support (MSLS) covering England and Wales. "Mathematics Support is a recognised collective term for extra-curricular mathematics and statistics teaching and learning services in higher education institutions. The term covers activities, facilities and/or resources provided to support and enhance students’ learning of mathematics or statistics whilst the student is enrolled a study programme of study at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Such learning support is optional, and non-compulsory. It is designed to assist students in developing mathematical and/or statistical confidence and skills."
Our consortium includes five higher education institutions. The consortium features a balanced mixture of experienced organisations and those new to mathematics learning support. The main activities planned in the project:
1) Transfer of innovative ideas and methodology through peer learning and exchange of good practice through the four learning events described below.
2) Development of training materials for an introductory course for staff providing mathematics and statistics learning support („tutors“), including remote support (in English, Czech and Norwegian).
3) Development of a Handbook on good practices describing how to set up, manage and maintain Mathematics Support Centres (in English, Czech and Norwegian).
Results of the project will be made publicly available through institutional websites and we expect their utilization beyond the partnership. One of the expected long-term effects on higher education students is enhanced experience in learning mathematics and statistics, leading to thier improved retention, achievement and employability.

Summary of project results

Main goal of the project MSLS Net was to build the capacity of universities across the Czech Republic and Norway to offer effective mathematics and statistics learning support, through the creation and dissemination of high-quality training materials and good practice guidelines for new and developing MSLS centres.

We organised four peer-learning activities where we shared experience and developed new material based on that, and two multiplier events where we promoted the project’s focus, objectives, and results.

The outputs, or results, of the project include the “Handbook of Good Practice in Providing Mathematics and Statistics Learning Support” and a booklet “Tutor training and learning resources in Mathematics and Statistics Learning Support” concerned with tutor training including tips for development and use of training and learning resources, both published in English. In addition, there is a collection of materials developed throughout the project and variously available in the three languages: English, Czech and Norwegian. These materials have already made impact on tutors and students of the partner institutions by improving their experience in learning mathematics and statistics. One of the important outcomes of the project was initiating discussion about establishing professional organisation to foster collaboration in the field of mathematics and statistics learning support at universities

Summary of bilateral results

Having project partners from Norway was essential for the project. The cultural difference, diversity in institutional needs and in level of experience with the topic of MSLS were important for development of variety of outputs.Broadening perspectives by sharing experience and educational materials led to improvements in current practice, new ideas and approaches, and to development of educational materials that would be usable in various environments.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.