Ecology Squared

Project facts

Project promoter:
Technical Secondary School, Most(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Re Innovation AS(NO)

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The general objective of the project is to support the development and sharing of innovative methods and examples of good practice in education with the consequent impact on curriculum innovation. The specific objective of the project is to deepen and relate the active civic attitudes of pupils and teachers and their positive importance for the protection of the environment, namely the creation of innovative methodological materials for the adaptation of SEPs. At joint meetings the participants of the applicant organization from the Czech Republic and partner organizations from Norway will prepare materials for processing the project outputs, which will be three teaching modules for pupils of selected and one teaching module for university students. At international meetings, project participants will inspire each other, share their best practices, and create teaching materials. Mutual discussions and dialogue will also increase teachers'' competences in environmental education. We expect a synergistic effect from the project, especially in the area of cooperation in the development of teaching methods or approaches and their innovations.
The created methodological materials will be verified in the teaching of ecology lessons, civic education and in the teaching of vocational subjects gradually as they will be created during the course of the project. And then, after their evaluation, completion and final modification, they will be implemented into school educational plans, which will be reviewed at the Technical High School in Most in 2022.
Partners from Norway can help us and lead by example, because environmental policy and clean technologies adopted by Norway allow their citizens to lead a sustainable way of life.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to strengthen the active civic attitudes of students and teachers.  Through the creation of methodological materials, the project introduced the topic of ecology in various school subjects and fields of study. Thanks to the project, it was possible to expand the teaching of ecological topics at the Technical High School, Most, as this teaching was not sufficient there.

In the project, methodical materials were created for educational modules, on which the Norwegian partners collaborated with the Czech school. The modules were also pilot tested in teaching in the participating organizations. Working meetings, workshops and peer-learning activities were carried out to create the educational modules. As part of a total of four peer-learning activities, representatives of both countries travelled to a partner country and got to know the approach to environmental protection and the teaching of ecology in that country in practice as well.

Organizations from the Czech Republic and Norway jointly created four educational modules. Three modules are intended primarily for Czech secondary schools and one module primarily for universities in Norway. The modules expand the existing teaching and implement the topic of ecology across different school subjects and fields of study. The modules will also be used to adjust school education plans. The project thus has a long-term impact even after the completion of the project.

Summary of bilateral results

The Czech side gained a lot of new knowledge and experience thanks to the cooperation with Norwegian organizations and also thanks to the acquired practical experience from the visit directly to the donor country. Without this knowledge and experience, it would not be possible to create and implement educational modules in the prescribed form.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.