Glemmen School - Zdrávka Bond

Project facts

Project promoter:
Medical College and Secondary Medical School(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Glemmen High School(NO)

More information


Glemmen School- Zdrávka Bond is a project about bilateral partnership between two secondary schools from the Czech Republic and Norway. This project is supported by EEA grants. The aim of the project is to support the attractiveness and quality of vocational education and to support a long- term cooperation between the two schools. Within the staff mobility three teachers from each school will visit a nursing school in a partner school for the purpose of mutual professional development. They will job shadow their colleagues, gain inspiration and share their experience. Four pupils from each school, who are being trained for the profession of nursing assistant, will take part in an internship in health care facilities in a partner country. The interns will provide patients´ basic health care under the mentor´s supervision. We will use the unit of expected learning outcomes according to ECVET to define content and assessment of the internship and ensure the quality of the project. All participants will gain valuable experience and improve their professional and communication skills. After successful finishing of the mobility each student will gain Europass Mobility Certificate and their practical training will be recognised by the sending school. The desired impact of the project is their motivation for further study and work. We believe that experience of the internship will positively influence personal and professional life and form students’ way of looking at the society and the European Union.

Summary of project results

The Czech Medical College and Secondary Medical School had dream of starting a tradition of long-term cooperation with the Norwegian partner school Glemmen videregaaende skole in Fredrikstad. After first experience in Erasmus project they took the opportunity to take part in a project funded by EEA grants to continue with their cooperation and to strengthen the relationship between schools. They planned two types of mobilities - student and staff mobilities.

The target group were 17-year-old pupils studying for the profession of health assistants. Norwegian pupils travelled to the Czech Republic and spent there three weeks. The pupils passed practical lessons in a foreign, different environment, worked in a multicultural team and knew the nursing methods in the other country. The participants could communicate with their peers of the partner´s school and practise foreign languages. They learnt to be more self-reliant and self-confident. They saw different culture and traditions. They learnt to be more open minded towards diversity and cultural differences. They worked in a multicultural environment, extended their professional skills and improved their communication skills in foreign languages. Gained experience will positively influence their future career. Czech pupils could not pass their mobilities but they really looked forward to travelling abroad. They have awareness of possibilities of foreign mobilities and are motivated to learn and join another international project.

Also, Norwegian teachers visited the Czech school and some health and social services in Hradec Králové region and shared their experience or discussed the teaching methods, health care and nursing methods in both countries.

Partners managed to fulfil only half number of planned mobilities due to pandemic situation and further restrictions. They could not finish the project as planned but there were some benefits of the project on both sides. Students has learnt about the possibility to travel abroad and they got awareness of possibilities of foreign mobilities. It has also helped increase their motivation to learn and their interest in joining an international projects, e.g. Erasmus or EEA grants. Teachers has been motivated for further education, especially for learning foreign languages. Working on this project led to deeper relationship and further cooperation on the EEA grants project.


Summary of bilateral results

Norwegian partners are very experienced in international projects. Their school has modern way of teaching with a large degree of digital aids and the teachers are highly skilled with PC. Our teachers were glad they could share experience and ideas with Norwegian teachers and could discuss similarities and differences in education and health care system. They could inspire in teaching methods and in assessment of students. The Norwegian coordinator helped with planning the project activities and willingly shared ideas with us. Norwegian and Czech teachers extended professional knowledge and skills. They strengthened their organisational and decision making skills. They had to cope with stress during solving unpredictable situations connected with COVID-19. The teachers improved their communication in foreign language and learnt something new about partner´s culture and tradition. Students also could benefit from this cooperation. They strengthened their self-confidence at work in an international team and improved their professional qualities. They practised their communication in foreign language and made new friends. These all increased their motivation for further study. Both organisations appreciate the partnership which helps fulfil the educational objectives. Health facilities suffer from lack of employers-nurses and other workers and such project supports vocational education and make it more attractive. And both teachers and students can learn many positive things from their partners. Luckily we have found the right partner. Our project partners are reliable and really friendly. Our teachers had visited school in Fredrikstad a year before in 2019 in Erasmus project. Norwegian teachers visited us in 2020. We were glad that we could meet all the needs of our partners feel a sense of reciprocity and they were satisfied with their stay in our town. Positive evaluation of our cooperation strengthened the partnership and led to a new project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.