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The aim of the Circus Networks project is to strengthen and professionalize two platforms (networks) dedicated to the development of contemporary circus in the Czech Republic. Each of the two represents a different area of contemporary circus, exhibits a different membership base, and has different needs.
CIRKONET is a Czech-Slovak network of circus educators active in youth and social circus, where circus techniques are used in working with children and young people as well as with persons with disabilities (social, medical, psychological).
The Association of Contemporary Circus Professionals is an emerging platform designed to bring together Czech circus professionals: artists, producers, and promoters. Following a series of discussions about whether to create a single common network, we finally decided to keep both platforms intact, especially with regard to their unique focus and distinct goals. Thanks to extensive experience with existing practices as well as in view of the consequences of the coronavirus crisis, we believe that an urgent need for the professionalization of both circus networks has now emerged.
Within eighteen months, we intend to dynamically kick-start the activities of both networks, create two production and coordination positions at each network, and implement a number of activities in support of the development of contemporary circus. Key activities include the development of an Analysis of the Current State of Contemporary Circus in the Czech Republic from the perspective of circus education on the one hand and from the perspective of artistic and production activity on the other; the analysis will identify the most significant challenges and needs in the field while also seeking to continuously facilitate the resolution of identified issues within both networks. Both platforms will also offer a range of live activities, meetings, and workshops – both for their members and for the general public.
Summary of project results
The project supported two networks of professionals in the field of new circus. Thanks to the implementation of the project, both networks were able to fund a coordinator and advance their activities, deepening their engagement. In the case of the Association/Platform, this project was one of the impulses for the creation of the New Circus Association as a separate legal form. The biggest challenge was to react flexibly to the necessary changes during the implementation.
Throughout the project period, two networks were supported in a wide range of their activities (capacity development and strengthening activities). Two analyses of the needs and current state of the field were produced, and a total of 20 workshops, seminars and events were held, focusing on both artistic and technical skills and cultural entrepreneurship knowledge, attended by 254 people. In addition, several meetings of members of both networks were held. All activities were aimed at understanding the needs of the members and networking with each other, sharing experiences and good practices, establishing cooperation and getting to know each other better. Without the existence of the project, this phase of the development of both networks would have taken several more years.
The main outputs of the project are: two supported networks in a much larger capacity to address the needs of their members and to implement events for them, two analyses mapping the current state and needs of the new circus sector, 20 seminars and workshops implemented, 5 joint meetings of members, plus several sectoral debates focused on specific and current issues in the sector. The project has created a physical and mental space for members to share and support each other.
The aim of the project was to strengthen the capacity of both networks, especially in terms of staff. Existing activities have always been carried out in the form of volunteer work or through irregular income from international projects. This has been successful and both networks have continued their activities after the end of the project and have managed to secure funding for the next period. With this outcome, it is more likely to obtain financial resources for years to come.