THE ELEMENTS - theatre, workshops, lectures - reflecting the state of soul via arts

Project facts

Project promoter:
Art Movement(CZ)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Culture Breaks Borders(NO)


The project has interdisciplinary character and consists of a new  theatre performance, exhibition and series of follow-up workshops and lectures. The project will take place in CZ, NO and  represents bilateral  program  between Art Movement and Culture Break Borders, NGO (CBB).

Program and ideological basis for theater performance and exhibition is created by the elements - water, air, earth, fire, metal, ether rmetaphorically representing   different state of soul and has 6 main activities :

1.    Creating of a new theatre performance and new exhibition
2.    Building and development of an accompanying program – workshops, lectures, seminars
3.    Capacity building of artists and cultural organizations
4.    Presentation of a new performance and exhibition in the Czech Republic and Norway
5.    Publicity of the project
6.    Project management

It focuses on following apects:

-    Activities aimed at creation of new art works (exhibition and performance) , including creative workshops focused on former creation (follow – up workshops)
-    Activities focused on the development and involvement of audience, using the creation of a communication strategy towards young audience (here we emphasize the importance of working with the CBB and young people), also the project works with disabled people (painting, acting…)
-    Activities addressing current social challenges through arts (the project wants to point out the importance of culture in the fact that it is a link between people and their value systems.We would like  to help to recognise that all people have a right to live in dignity and take part in society, that we all share responsibility; we do belive that to present these goals via culture is very appropriate and also popular way of achieving a good result.


Summary of project results

The project supported the active lives of people with mental illness, contributed to their integration into mainstream life and highlighted the importance of culture to understanding in society. At the same time, it connected Czech and Norwegian audiences and enriched both the artists with valuable international experience and the audience in both countries.

Program had been  created by the elements - water, air, earth, fire, metal, ether metaphorically representing   different state of soul and had 6 activities :

1.            Creating of a new theatre performance and new exhibition

2.            Building and development of an acc. program – workshops, lectures

3.            Capacity building of artists and cult organizations

4.            Presentation of a new performance and exhibition in the CZ and NO

5.            Publicity

6.            Project management

The activities of the project followed each other in the logic of the creation of the whole project programme, its output presentation and management.

All activities addressed current social challenges through arts (the project wants to point out the importance of culture in the fact that it is a link between people and their value systems.It fulfilled the main goal  -  to help to recognise that all people have a right to live in dignity and take part in society, that we all had to take and share responsibility; The project proved that these  goals via culture is very appropriate and also popular way of achieving a good result.

Destigmatization activities, inclusion of people with mental illness into mainstream society through culture should not end with the end of these current calls, the program period. On the contrary, they should continue, because people with mental health problems often have a different vision of the world in their „DNA“, which is a great enrichment for the rest of us , lets say „the normal“.

In particular, we recommend avoiding popular innovations and supporting culture in its diversity - theatre, concerts, exhibitions, etc.

Summary of bilateral results

The Elements project team has gained valuable new experience in developing both the programme itself and working with audiences and cultural actors. The project was carried out in bilateral cooperation with the Norwegian entity and other Norwegian subjects (artists, cultural actors) and enriched all involved persons through this cooperation. The theme of the project - working with people suffering from mental illness and their integration into mainstream society - represents a long-term activity of Art Movement and appears to be socially useful and sustainable.The cooperation with the partner Culture Breaks Borders lead into the Bordagene program a festival to support mental health and to which the Elementy project rang nicely with its focus. At the end of the monitoring period, the project was evaluated as very beneficial for our target audience and for the cultural actors themselves. Strengthening the capacity of both entities was beneficial. Currently no further cooperation with Culture Breaks Borders is planned.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.