Strengthening of film/audiovisual education in Czech Republic

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for Film and Audiovisual Education(CZ)
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Our project ‘Strengthening the Subject Film/Audiovisual Studies’ in the Czech Republic includes a number of related activities and steps that will lead to the systematic development of a field we consider vital. By submitting this project, the Association follows up on its previous activities in this area, in order to raise more awareness on the subject and prepare ground for the development of the field. We are trying to overcome the absence of legislation, political and professional support for film education, an overlooked subject.

The project partly draws on and expands some of our existing activities we have focused on since our founding in 2017. In planning this project, we are also able to put to good use many years of experience brought by individual project team members and guarantors who have been active in film and audiovisual studies since 2008. The project will also be implemented using the experience from other areas of art education as well as examples of good practice in the Czech Republic and other European countries.

Support and development of film/audiovisual studies also constitutes the main aim and mission of the Association for Film and Audiovisual Education, as defined in its statutes. Our activities will focus on a closer collaboration with organizations involved in film and audiovisual studies; their aim is also to raise awareness on the subject among professionals and the general public.

Our key activities target crucial areas of the subject’s development – research, data collection and analysis in terms of the Czech Republic and European context (includes obtaining know-how in Norway and Iceland), organizing training events dedicated to challenges in the field, areas of interest and related issues (authors’  rights, teaching method, film certification, training workshops for professionals, teachers and organizers, working with the public) and promotion of the field itself reaching out to professional and general public.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.