Platform of small publishers and indepedent booksellers Knihex

Project facts

Project promoter:
Knihex, z. s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Pseudonym Publishing(NO)


The Small Book Publishers and Independent Booksellers Platform Project Knihex aims to create a new business model through the activities set out in the project - close linking and direct cooperation between small and independent entrepreneurs, who ensure the diversity of the Czech book market and are threatened by large entities, whether publishing houses or bookshops franchises. Although SČKN (Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers) operates in the Czech Republic, it does not cover the specific needs of small entities. Based on the needs assessment and the monitoring of book operations, the platform aims to strengthen the direct cooperation of small entrepreneurs, contribute to the exchange of information, facilitate mutual communication between the involved entities, and also to jointly appear in public space, whether that means seminars or media space, in order to revitalise the knowledge of the workings of the Czech book industry. It aims to help the involved entities to address specific needs, strengthen competences, whether in terms of funding options, or expanding competencies in marketing or sustainability.

It aims to jointly address cultural and grant institutions and ideally co-create the grant policy in the Czech Republic. Sharing experience and know-how with the Norwegian partner and other book entrepreneurs - publishers, booksellers and institutions - in Norway will also be key to setting up the new business model.

Summary of project results

The significance of the project lies primarily in the unique linking of previously unconnected sides of the book operation of more than 80 professionals. Last but not least, its contribution is the launch of research activities - monitoring of the book market, comparison of Czech and Norwegian traffic, etc. Through its activities, the project strengthened the position of small entrepreneurs in culture/literature and enabled the further development of the independent cultural scene.

First of all, it was to create a functional online link between independent entities, i.e. an e-catalogue. We also organised two workshops, one on book marketing and one on sustainability in the book industry. 86 people were trained. At the same time we organized several discussions on the book market in the regions and in Prague. We also produced a comparison of the Czech and Norwegian book market. With the Norwegian partner we organised a discussion in Prague. We then conducted the research itself in Oslo and in the book traffic there. This project and these activities were important because they connected the independent book scene. At the same time, we managed to network with a Norwegian publisher and other Norwegian stakeholders. The findings about the Czech and Norwegian book market will be very valuable, which we want to use for future activities - negotiations with authorities, preparation of cultural policy, etc.

The main output of the project is the e-catalogue, an online linking of independent actors on the book market, with 56 actors involved at the end. Currently, there are almost 70 entities. The interest ended up being double or triple what we originally expected. Through other activities, a survey of the needs of book market actors was carried out, competences were strengthened and a comparison of the Czech and Norwegian markets was made. The purpose of the project was fulfilled in all activities.

Summary of bilateral results


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.