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The Romani culture and arts are a part of the national, European and world cultural and artistic space, and it keeps growing and developing constantly. There is a new generation of young educated artists and performers active in the area of music, dance, new media, arts, alternative arts, theatre and literature. Unfortunately, there is a substantial lack of interest and knowledge of critics who would be able to approach critically to Romani culture and arts.
The AndroMedia (in English “In Media”) project contributes to dealing with this problem and supports to development of artistic critical reviewing through interdisciplinary activities including several workshops, seminars, discussions with audience and experts, in both direct and online communication.
Project activities will help develop participants’ capacities in culture as they improve competencies of future critics – students of journalism and ethnomusicology, and Romani writers. The project also implements Audience Development Strategies and launches the Online Discussion Forum which will contribute to social dialogue.
The project will increase awareness on critical reviewing of Romani literature, music, theatre, arts and alternative arts through organized discussions with artists/performers, critics and audience and expert workshops for future critics carried out in partnership with the Ara Art, NGO, the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University and Sofiya Zahova from University of Iceland.
We believe that completion of this project will significantly improve the situation in critical reviewing of Romani culture and arts and contribute to the increased and boosted competences of existing and future critics. Objective and critical approach of experts and audience will also support quality and professionalism of Romani artistic production.
Summary of project results
The AndroMedia project contributed to solving the problem of insufficient interest and knowledge
of critics who would be critical of the creation and presentation of Roma art and culture. Through
the activities, we showed that Roma culture is not only Roma music, as many people think, but also
other artistic forms such as theater, visual arts, etc. Final beneficiary organized seminars, which contributed to
the education of future art critics and they were quite successful among students.
In this project, final beneficiary organized a Summer School of Romani Music, educational seminars for students
of journalism and film studies, workshops for Romani writers, an international seminar in Iceland for
students of world literature, organized discussions with artists, critics and the audience, an online
discussion forum. 3 audience development strategies have also been created to serve as a reference
document for current and future critics who want to write critical reviews. These activities were
primarily important for raising awareness of Roma culture and interest in Roma culture, which is
part of national and European cultural wealth.
Main outputs:-creation of 3 audience development strategies,which will be published in print and
online form and can be used as an auxiliary document for current and future critics who want to
write critical reviews about Roma art.-we trained 114 cultural actors and thus we exceeded the
target value.The reason for the increase was mainly the huge interest of university students in
participating in educational seminars.-we organized 26 activities supporting artistic and cultural
Summary of bilateral results
The partner participated in the organization of a seminar for students of the University of Reykjavík, which was attended by a total of 26 students both online and in person. They then created reviews of selected Romani works as an output. Furthermore, the partner led a workshop at the Summer School of Romani Music as part of the project, participated in an online discussion as part of the International Romani Language Day and helped create audience development strategies.