Therappic – software extensions

Project facts

Project promoter:
SOS dětské vesničky, z.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
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In 2020 we have inmlementedd the Electronic Database Therappic to record work with clients and selected
activities of the co-workers. The application is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Social
workers and management apreciate its functionalities, the system is very userfriendly. However, we still need
many new specific functionalities tailored to our diverse services. We have 6 types of programs that are
different in nature both in terms of the type of target group, the activities provided (residential, ambulance,
field forms) and in terms of legal requirements and requirements of different types of donors. We therefore
need the most accurate design of inputs and outcomes (reports) to make the work as easy as possible and as
precise as possible.

Summary of project results

The project was supposed to solve the problem of insufficient design of inputs and outputs (reports), which we need to record quality data. Our database must be able to handle all quantitative data on the work of social workers (i.e. reports, reports, number of hours of work) and reports on work with our clients (capturing the development of the family situation, individual planning with the client, recording the number of hours of work with the client).

It has implemented many functionalities that we benefit from, among others e.g.: 01041 Setting up strong security for user access - MFA new functionality, 01164 Checking for duplicate indicator reading date new functionality, 00682 Kompas - anonymous clients and uploading documents, new functionality, 00917 Printing of files from Ther. for inspection - Port new functionality, 00949 Anchor issues with saving long write activity functionality improvements, 01034 Responsive view of tablets - unable to add a new lead folder, and others.


Thanks to the expansion of the database and the introduction of new functionalities, the process of providing social services has become more efficient (social workers are better able to monitor the situation in the family, with a simpler tool they can record the tasks performed and the time of their work, and better only report for the purposes of reporting to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which is the donor and as part of the subsidy accounting, an essential condition is the registration and reporting of indicators of both the number of clients and the number of tasks and hours worked,   which is directly tied to for the subsidy provided. Facilitated recording of activities with clients also leads to more efficient work of social workers, where they do not have to count the hours worked and tasks, for example, on paper, but everything is interconnected in Therappic and the outputs are generated in a suitable and high-quality form (Excel spreadsheets).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.