We Retain Water in the Protected Landscape Area Broumovsko

Project facts

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The project will create the conditions for the inhabitants of the Broumovsko Landscape Protected Area to actively contribute to the remediation of the drying landscape, to the reduction of soil erosion and to the restoration of biodiversity. We will offer examples of the possible systematic citizen approach to water retention and soil protection following the official methodology Living Landscape (mapping of watersheds, proposals for improvements in the landscape, construction of model pools, planting alleys). 

Summary of project results

The project should create the conditions for the inhabitants of the Broumovsko Landscape Protected Area to actively contribute to the remediation of the drying landscape, to the reduction of soil erosion and to the restoration of biodiversity. It offered examples of the possible systematic citizen approach to water retention and soil protection following the official methodology Living Landscape (mapping of watersheds, proposals for improvements in the landscape, construction of model pools, planting alleys). They planned to strengthen their community and support volunteering. They planned to plant an exemplary alley of at least 50 deciduous trees.

The aim was to create the conditions for the inhabitants of the region to make a conscious contribution to the repair of the drying landscape disturbed by decades of industrial agriculture, land reclamation, soil blocks, etc., and thus help to restore biodiversity. They offered examples of possible systematic approaches to water retention and soil conservation and inspire fellow citizens to take responsibility for the state of the environment in their neighbourhood and to take the initiative in actively protecting it.

By offering field and cultural activities, they tried to raise people''s awareness of the issue and support their ability to engage in remedial action. The project  also helped to strengthen the community of active people in the Broumov region, especially in Meziměstí and Police nad Metují, and promote the idea of volunteering and helping those in need.

The immediate goal of the project was to plant a demonstration avenue of at least 50 mature deciduous trees between field blocks in Vižňov as an example of water retention measures in the landscape.

Among the expected impacts of the project was the strengthening of civil society and active citizenship - the project had a clear impact on strengthening ties between cooperating organizations (more than 5 cooperating with the festival organisation and alley planting), their members and volunteers in general (more than 35 people). Compared to last year, they registered generally higher involvement of citizens in civil society activities - mainly thanks to the festival and the promotion of their outreach activities, they reached some 700 people who now know why and how to get involved in civic activities, and some of them also do so. An example are 5 activities– organization of the festival, mapping of one watershed, drawing up a feasibility study, building pools and planting alleys. Around 1,000 pupils and teachers had the opportunity to actively debate current ecological and human rights topics - they hope that this will also shape their future attitudes, actions and consumer choices.

Built ponds and planted trees will have a long-term positive impact on the landscape by helping to retain water, create shade and habitat for animals, especially amphibians, birds, insects and small wild game that may find shelter in the alley. Alleys and pools are also a landscape-forming element and a possible destination for walks for schools and the general public.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.