Information system eQuip for protected housing ARCHA Nový Jičín

Project facts

Project promoter:
Slezská diakonie(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


ARCHA Nový Jičín, protected housing, is one of the centres of Slezská diakonie providing its services in Nový Jičín. Our clients are people with mental and combined disabilities and people with mental illness. Main part of our work is direct work with these clients when we help them and support them on the way to their independence and self- sufficiency. However, management of electronical documentation related to work with clients is inseparable part of our job. Currently it is done through shared documents on Google Workspace cloud. Our employees spend a lot of time by going through plenty of files and searching for documents of each client and only then he/she can add a new record.
Our aim is to change this, make it simple and modern by acquiring united information system eQuip.

Summary of project results

What situation did we address? We addressed the outdated and inefficient method of managing electronic documentation within the scope of providing our service. Additionally, we addressed the outdated and insufficient computer equipment of our service, which we resolved through a project by purchasing two new laptops.

Have we achieved a change? Definitely yes, the eQuip computer program has been a regular part of electronic documentation  for 9 months. We have practically abandoned the previous inefficient method of recording into multiple Cloud folders. Reporting is now uniform, clear, and flexible.

Have we contributed to addressing the chosen root cause of the problem? How do we deduce this? We contributed to addressing the problem by writing this project and successfully implementing it.


Positive impacts: modernization, streamlining, and acceleration of a portion of our work related to managing documentation in digital format.

Negative impacts: the introduction of the computer program led to more frequent internet connection outages, but we resolved this issue through consultations with the company providing our internet connection.


What is the project''s greatest contribution? The greatest contribution lies in the modernization of streamlining of electronic documentation management, the modernization of our service´s IT equipment, and the time savings that employees can devote to servicing clients, their leisure activities, etc.

Who benefited the most and why? The greatest benefit from this project is realized by both the employees and the clients. Employees benefit because a significant portion of their work time is spent recording the progress of a given service on computers, and the transition to the new computer program has made this task more modern, efficient, and faster. Clients benefit from this in that, due to time savings, employees have more room for direct interaction with them.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.