AutismPort – increasing participation of portal users and organizations focused on helping people with autism

Project facts

Project promoter:
National insitute for autism, r.a.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The project aims to upgrade and improve AutismPort portal in response to needs of its users as expressed in a survey. AutismPort is an information, advisory and educational portal focused on the theme of autism (autistic spectrum disorder – ASD) and one''s life with it. Target groups of users are, primarily: I. parents suspecting ASD with their child, II. parents, relatives and mates of children or adults with ASD, III. self-reliant adults with ASD, IV. educators, therapists, social workers and other professionals.

The project goal is portals elevation from a one-sided source of useful information, recommendation, procedures and tools to an interactive space in which its users can share experience, best practice as well as personal stories and this way provide an effective support to each other, competence, empowerment and self-reliance. The goal shall be achieved by two types of activities: a) advanced programming (technological upgrade) of the portal and b) partial digitalization of editorial work.

Summary of project results

The project tried to solve the problem with the one-sidedness of the information transmitted on our website. As operators of the portal, we are also responsible for maintaining an evidence-based approach when creating content and for providing exclusively verified, reliable information and working recommendations in a clear structure.

We have the option of commenting on individual articles. However, we continue to verify comments to prevent disinformation and damage to our website visitors. At the same time, we have improved the map of support locations and are still working on improving it for greater user efficiency.

The project improved awareness of autism, we managed to increase the number of shared experiences by people with autism and their families. These experiences are valuable for anyone who has encountered autism in any role. At the same time, we have improved awareness of places where anyone in need can find support.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.