Digital tools empower us to help effectively, together

Project facts

Project promoter:
ICOS Český Krumlov, o. p. s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The applicant has been operating for 21 years, providing a complex network of social and other related services. It’s active in multiple regions, which are dependent on a large amount of volunteering help. Currently, it owns sophisticated electronic systems and databases for data management and communication among the employees and their office network. However, the applicant is in serious need of a digital solution for the management of, and for the targeted communication with their volunteer base, supporters, and cooperating entities. The project’s aim is the implementation and configuration of, having a custom-built CRM solution for NGO.

Summary of project results

The target group of our services are people who need the support of others (seniors, children with disabilities, families in crisis, ...). These services cannot function without the great support of volunteers and other supporters. Without them, many of our programs would not only be much poorer (this is true in the lives of many of our clients), some would not even be able to function. In order to maintain and develop this support – to recruit more volunteers and supporters – we need to care for these people/supporters regularly. There needs to be regular communication, sharing of experiences, etc. The fact that we did not have any sophisticated unified digital tool for managing contacts, data, contracts, but also to support us with registrations, targeted correspondence and automatic notification of deadlines, made our work very difficult.

Based on analyses of needs and consultations with experts, we identified the most suitable solution in 2020. We also had a specific offer for the implementation and configuration of the entire solution. The only thing we lacked was funding for the implementation of the system. Thanks to the project – the support from the Active Citizens Fund – we managed to implement the long-prepared tool and bring it to life. Putting a configured, tailor-made system into operation helps us to effectively manage contacts and data. The system also incorporates division, classification of supporters, registration of support, contracts, options for structured personalized mass and individual correspondence, templates for confirmation of support, registration of contracts, communication, etc., automatic notifications of expiring contracts, as well as the necessary reports – overviews. 

This solution will help the organization to significantly streamline the work with volunteers, supporters, and cooperating entities, of which we have several hundreds. The solution will allow us to work much more efficiently with this group, and as a result, to further improve our services and programs for our primary target groups, and not only will the existing support be maintained, but we believe that we will gradually gain more support through more efficient work.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.