Living courtyards - self-government in the lead role

Project facts

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Bieno z. s.(CZ)
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Elections to city councils of Prague districts and city councils. City of Prague are an excellent opportunity to raise the topic of revitalizing inner city blocks and related climate adaptation measures in the inner city. The project wants to make the topic visible both within the pre-election campaigns, but also to help push it into program statements and the newly set agenda of the local government. It presents the topic to politicians, offers how to communicate it and presents support tools. The target group is candidates of electoral parties, newly elected politicians and, indirectly, residents of the City of Prague, or the city of Prague. The main activities to achieve results are the selection of candidates across different political parties, the evaluation of their previous activities and public appearances from the point of view of synergy with the topics: urban climate, inner blocks, civic participation, communities, etc.; creation of a database of several dozen candidates. Addressing candidates by email and accompanying information material, invitation to communicate the topic as part of the preliminary campaign, offer of cooperation from the Bieno association (within the campaign and during the election period on various activities) After the election - the second round of contacting successful elected representatives by email with an attached manual "How to help inner-blocks as a city representative", including recommendations for the promotion of the topic in the program statement, personal contact, meetings with interested parties, offers of cooperation Residents of the city districts benefit from fixing the topic in program statements and the political agenda

Summary of project results

The impact of our project is significant due to the fact that we targeted the activities at people with decision-making powers and great possibilities to influence the topic of the transformation of inner blocks. A substantial part of our communication was educational/enlightening. We communicated directly. We reached out to the newly appointed key players right from the start of their tenure. If the cooperation is well set up (we believe that in most cases it is), it can establish long-term cooperation and cooperation among other employees of the Municipal Offices. We communicated with several councilors responsible for different areas within one office (typically a councilor for ŽP and a councilor for property) and thus supported cooperation within the institution alone. We also used the material 15 reasons for inner blocks as part of our lecture activity. 

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