Zero waste week 2022

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bezobalu, z.ú.(CZ)
Project Number:
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The aim of the project is to implement a nationwide event called Zero waste week, which will raise awareness of waste issues and educate about waste prevention. The events will include active citizens and zero waste community organizations and will strengthen volunteerism and public interest in sustainable lifestyle and zero waste.
Zero waste week is an international regular event in which more than 60 organizations have participated in the past years in the Czech Republic. These organizations will organize community programs for the public, which help environmentally minded people find inspiration and support in their sustainable habits.

Summary of project results

The impact of the Zero Waste Week project far exceeded our expectations based on last year''s experiences.
Awareness of the waste prevention possibilities was spread throughout the Czech Republic thanks to media such as Czech Radio, Czech Television,, Metro and many others. During the Zero Waste Week, the zero waste community activity, which had been declining during the covid years, was set in motion. Companies, schools and community centres became active, associations and individuals themselves opened the doors of awareness in their localities.
The education of the society took place both on a theoretical level during lectures, debates, discussions or film screenings with zero waste themes, and practically during workshops, swaps (clothing exchanges), markets and bazaars. Through the events, both live and online, the project succeeded in educating the general public, which is a cornerstone for changing the mindset of society and changing the impact of our consumer behaviour.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.