Systematic implementation of work with sexuality using the learning network method

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In implementation
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Donor Project Partners:
Verdal kommune(NO)

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There is no system how to work with the topic of sexuality and relationships in institutional care for children and residential institutions. Staff of these institutions often do not know how to deal with such situations and how to create an environment that supports the healthy development of the children´s / young people''s psychosexual development, in order to prevent negative social phenomenon such as sexual violence, unwanted pregnancies and related traumas. Children and young people who grow up in the institutions do not have access to reliable, comprehensive and adequately presented information that would support healthy psychosexual development, safe start of life and prevention of all forms of sexual violence. Freya will help to set up this system in these institutions, gain necessary data from research on what people living there need, get know-how in the Learning network method from Norwegian partners and apply the method in practice. The resulting system of work will be usable for other institutions as well. The project aims to expand the knowledge of Freya z. s. in working with sexuality and relationships by the Learning network method which will be trained by Norwegian partners. The method will then be used during sytematic implementation of work with sexuality in institutional care for children, where this topic is not implemented. A learning network consisting of institutional care for children staff will take part in the implementation. The needs of all institutional care for children members will be analysed by a research, so that the system of working with sexuality is set appropriately. A Guide for Working with Sexuality will be created. The outputs of the project will be presented at the conference.  Freya''s experience in visiting children''s homes.

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