Unbound rivers for future generations

Project facts

Project promoter:
Arnika z.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
CBNRM Networking(NO)
Other Project Partners
Local action group of the Poodří region(CZ)
University of Ostrava(CZ)

More information


The Danube-Odra-Elbe canal project (ie connecting three river basins through huge concrete waterworks) is a sad legacy of previous Czech governments, which promoted it despite expert opinions (many independent studies mapping ecosystem and landscape damage, soil and erosion conditions, and economic inefficiency of the whole project) and local residents (several petitions). However, even the new government''s resignation from the project does not mean that people and nature can rest - there are still lobbying pressures, ambiguities in the process of land release, and already approved (or quietly being approved) steps to at least partially implementation of the plan. Thanks to the support from the project, we will monitor the transparency of the procedure by the state, appeal to the involvement of local people and open a public debate on any other decision that concerns this plan. We will inform local governments and local residents truthfully and professionally (media campaign), give them the opportunity to express their views and defend their rights (petitions and participation in processes), as well as the necessary professional, strategic and media support in protecting natural areas, landscape and their living space (information, education, legal advice). We will also offer them inspiration for further progress and alternative options for combating drought, healing the landscape, protecting biodiversity through better landscape management, sustainable agriculture and other nature-friendly measures.

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