The impact of manual volunteer help on czech non-profit sector development

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tamjdem, o.p.s.(CZ)
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Many non-profit organizations do not sufficiently involve volunteers to help with their manual tasks. That results in slower development and inefficient use of their resources. Our goal is to increase the number of NGOs in the Czech Republic that efficiently cooperate with manual volunteers and can evaluate and communicate the impact of their help. Project activities will allow us to share our 8 years of know-how with NGOs and will enable us to create a method for measuring and rating the impact of manual volunteer help on the Czech non-profit sector development. It will also enable us to create the proper PR outputs to communicate the measured impact to the public.
We will analyze our current tools and processes in this field, then we will create new ones including guidance materials on how to use them. We will run focus groups in order to further investigate the NGOs needs in this topic, organize trainings for non-profit organizations in order to increase their competences in the field and support them with various materials for their independent work with volunteers and effective development. We will offer opportunities for sharing experiences and best practices through round table discussion talks. Last but not least we will work on creating a PR communication plan and organizing a PR campaign aiming to increase the communication of the manual volunteer help impact. Several video shorts and photo reports will be created with the participating NGOs to help them share their results with their community and supporters. Thanks to this project our organization will strengthen its prestige and position as a professional provider of educational activities in the field of manual volunteer help and increase the personnel capacities which will enable us to further our growth.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.