Against floods and drought together

Project facts

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Na jedné vlně, z. s.(CZ)
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Climate change is already under way and we can not temporize. The goal of the project is to adapt local landscape to climate change and to reduce the impact of flash floods and long lasting droughts. We want locals to participate and help us to map the local stream basin according to methodology of the project Živá krajina. We will design specific measures how to better retain water in the landscape based on acquired data and map groundwork. Part of the project is to convince public, local authority and concerned landowners that this is the best course that brings benefits to all participants. The goal is design of conceptual and specific set of measures. All components of the landscape, the inhabitants of the village and the landowners will benefit from the implementation of this project.

Summary of project results

We believe we managed to open up the topic of climate change and deepening drought in our community. Many people here feel that the landscape around them is slowly changing and are worrie, but they often don''t know what they can do about it. The Living Landscape methodology provides people with a tool to actively participate in the solution, to understand the phenomena in the landscape and not just remain an observer. So instead of climate grief, it provides active hope. In addition, by mapping and activities around the Mokropeský creek, we motivated the municipality of Všenory to start solving the local problem with flash floods. Until then nothing was done in this matter. Unfortunately,  the Všenory village representatives do not want to cooperate with us on the matter, they have so far refused to meet.Thanks to our activity in the project, people from the surrounding area now turn to us with questions about the issue of drought and water in the countryside. Neighbors have already asked us twice to consult with them on solutions proposed by their municipalities. In one case, it concerns the revitalization of part of the stream, in the other, the solution to stormwater in the village. Thanks to this, we also got a better idea of ​​what projects are being implemented or planned in the area. We were also invited by one political candidate for the Senate to present the issue of water as one of the important local issues in his campaign.The work on the project inspired us to continue similar endeavors  in other areas in the vicinity - this led to a collaboration on a project of the Institute of Planning and Development called Soutok, where we have the opportunity to train more volunteers for mapping the adjacent watersheds. However, after the experience with Mokropeský potok, we choose mainly agricultural and not so sloping areas.

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