Achieving implementation of counter-measures to protect selected precious natural sites in selected administrative procedures, which break lawful protection of endangered species and their habitats

Project facts

Project promoter:
Okrašlovací spolek čelákovický(CZ)
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The aim is the protection of valuable localities with the occurrence of specially protected species of animals and plants in the region of Kralický Sněžník. Since 2017, we have organized three professional botanical excursions and courses in the field in cooperation with the Czech Botanical Society, conducted dozens of surveys in an area of ​​about 100 km2, and prepared final reports and comments. From our own activities, we also began to engage in administrative proceedings in which we defend the interests of nature protection of the study region. We have designed several protected areas in cooperation with the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic. We have started to communicated our activities via media (Deník N, ČT). The grant will be used for legal services in the administrative proceedings. We will prepare further documentation used according to the law on ecological damage and to the Prosecutor General regarding the study region. We plan to achieve protection of the valuable habitats and to stop harmful activities. The main benefit will be strengthening of public interest for further NGOs.

Summary of project results

For 5 years we have been communicating with administrative authorities and nature protection authorities, including the necessary professional activity aimed at mapping the occurrence of legally protected species of animals and plants. Our abilities to purposefully design administrative procedures and respond correctly to the ongoing administrative agenda were and are limited. The contribution of a lawyer to all management during the duration of the action grant was very beneficial. Unfortunately, despite the obvious destruction of natural values, the administrative activities and investigations, whether by the ČIŽP or the Police of the Czech Republic were slow. So far, our cases conducted under the regime of Act No. 167/2008 Coll. are pioneering, but they will most likely not be completed, because in order to stimulate the authorities to greater and faster activity, it would be necessary to use more incentives for inactivity, complaints about the procedures of the authorities and more incentives for investigations inappropriate activities and involvement of the media and greater support from politicians. It is not just about suggestions, it is practically advisable to secure a maximum of documents/evidence in advance and at the same time correctly assess and evaluate the matter. During the project''s implementation period, the cases were the subject of 4 filmings by Česká televize and are proof of the appalling attitude of individuals, as well as authorities, to truly rare natural values. Support for the chiselling of texts by lawyers subsequently sent to administrative and preliminary criminal proceedings is necessary and undoubtedly increases the success of cases for their investigation. In all cases, it was necessary to correctly describe the illegal activity, secure evidence and, if possible, propose a specific follow-up (administrative) procedure. This is a significant and valuable deposit facilitating the activities of state administration employees, investigators and judges. The state apparatus thus benefited the most, which will hopefully help nature in the future in solving similar cases. We managed to get the ČIŽP to accept, at least in the matter of the violation of the preliminary measure, the fact that there had been a violation of the ban issued by it. It also de facto admitted after 2 years that the watercourse was being polluted. The director of ČIŽP decided to leave his position by the end of 2022 and give a place for change.

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