Participative planning of retaining water in the landscape

Project facts

Project promoter:
Pontopolis z.s.(CZ)
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Generaly water retention is a topic becoming more and more popular. Water is worth being discussed these days. . The project is focused on a little region and evolves local people from major to experts. Project will involve 30 personsin participative activities of projekt and will offer 1 seminar, 1 meeting for activating local poeple and also local action plan will be created It is focused on activation, empowerment and participation of people from countryside in making local plans for water retention in the local country, education, and in decision-making related to this climate measures and on rasining acceptance of people from countryside participation in decision-making from public administration and public according to methodology Živá krajina made by society Živá voda in this project. At the end of the project we create a Local action plan as an instrument showing what should be done in future to retent local water and help to improve the enviroment. All people living in the region can benefit, especialy local autonomy. This project can become a good practice for other small regions.

Summary of project results

The project contributed to the deepening of local knowledge in the topic: water retention in the landscape. Representatives of members of different communities have been connected and an active group of people has been set up to continue working on the topic. The topic attracted the attention of mayors from the surrounding municipalities, with some of which the implementer is already negotiating. Citizens are much more educated in the subject and, for example, already know what they can do if they experience erosion in the landscape. So they no longer have to feel helpless, on the contrary, they can actively intervene, participate. The representative of the implementer in the Polička region remains the main consultant on the given topic and provides consultations to the residents even after the end of the project. Thanks to the project, the topic of water retention in the landscape throughout Polička has been expanded and deepened. For the implementer himself, the project brought great enrichment because of the theme
has not yet dealt in depth in the whole team. The project implementer has further plans to work with this issue and deepen the interest and emphasis of local citizens
for their active involvement.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.