More information
The project focuses on the complex needs of homeless women in Prague who have experienced
complex trauma. With a focus on public employment services and social departments of city districts
the project will aim to these institutions to be able to respond better and adequately to the needs of
the target group thus empowering and supporting them. The change will be achieved through a PIE
(Psychologically Informed Environments) approach. Jako doma is going to go through the process of
setting up a PIE and after that train with homeless women expert lecturers in a public institutions on
Summary of project results
The team at the community center underwent a significant transformation thanks to setting up a trauma-sensitive approach - work procedures, boundaries, safety of women and female workers, the concept of peer work, team care and the topic of burnout - in all we developed, supplemented or set up new procedures in these areas. Organizations were interested in the topic of trauma-sensitive approach and consultation, and 6 women from the target group were able to get involved. We received feedback at the seminars that in the context of homeless people, this approach is not very developed. We managed to reach various institutions, but we did not reach the goal set by the workers of the Labor Offices, especially because of Chovi and té dař in Ukradne and tuhé associated incredible overload, even though we took the necessary steps that we defined in the treatment of risks.