Support for public participation in Pilsen

Project facts

Project promoter:
Centre for community organising(CZ)
Project Number:
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Final project cost:
Other Project Partners

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The project "Support for public participation in Pilsen" aims to raise the level of citizens'' participation into decision-
making in Pilsen, in a broad cooperation of the project holder, the partner JOHAN, z.ú., other participation

stakeholders and primarily the City of Pilsen. A key element will be establishing a common city-wide vision in citizens ́
participation based on a deep analysis and the introduction of a regular discussion format on city-wide topics and
strategies. The project also includes capacity building of the applicant and the project partner in public participation
and PR.

Summary of project results

As a positive impact, we understand that there was a discussion of relatively complicated concepts on the subject of public transport and cycle transport with the public. 

Despite some expectations from the Strategy Draft developer, the public participated in a significant way number, she had relevant comments, and the events always took place in a constructive and professional manner.The workshops that were organized for pupils and students were the same case. Therefore the decision-makers attitude has slightly shifted 

from „public space design solely could be discussed with public“ to „it is viable to discuss complicated and interconnected topics such as public transport strategy“.

This conclusion could be destilled from the publicly declared statements of the responsible politicians and officials. at the same time they also committed themselves 

to present the final documents to the public again at the end of 2023.


Regarding the improvement of the environment for participation, one of our conclusions from the Analysis of Participation in Pilsen was confirmed here, that a positive shift in 

participation is always in the hands of a few active individuals and depends more on the random constellation of a responsible politician and bureaucratic apparatus than on 

an established system. This was also confirmed in the Analysis of Participation. Unfortunately the strongest advocate of public participation in the City administratiovn –

the Mayor´s deputy responsible for transport and the environment, Mr. Vozobule – did not vindicate mandate. Therefore the notion of participation is for the time being ended up in a vakuum. At the moment there is no one within the City Adminitration with a political mandate, knowledge and desire to uphold the public participation approach and push 

The Recommendations as suggested within The Analysis. More details in the case study.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.