ECOSCHOOL and CLIMATE CHANGE From individualism to civic participation.

Project facts

Project promoter:
TEREZA, educational center(CZ)
Project Number:
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The project is a reaction to the the fact that people, young people included, do not participate enough in the public
debate about solving problems connected to climate change. The project aims to turn the usual efforts of individuals
into citizen engagement, to push local communities to engage more in climate protection and to activize the public.
We will be cooperating with czech schools from the Eco-school program in order to put all activities into practice.
Through its activities, the project supports the participanats in order to help them gain the competences for solving

Summary of project results

A system of support and materials was created for schools on how to work with the topic of climate change in the form of citizen participation. Specifically, 4 educational webinars and 4 seminars, 2 conferences, 20 workshops took place, analysis worksheets and a How to make yourself known manual were created.
235 different schools participated in the national Campaign of Ordinary Heroism, in which the participants trained the possibilities of community activation around the school. There were 56 events that directly involved citizens in debates and practical actions within the framework of climate protection and the associated sustainable way of life. 10 larger reports (videos and articles) on the topic of climate protection, some also participated in the international reporting competition Young reporters for the environment. 26,974 people joined the Ordinary Heroism campaign.
Conferences and campaigns that took root in Czech society during the project will have a long-term impact. Thanks to them, thousands of people will be motivated and organized to reduce their impact on climate change in the future. At the same time, methodical materials were created to help schools and children''s organizations better
monitor your impact on the climate and more effectively prepare your own campaigns or PR events that could lead to improving the environment and increasing the engagement of young people. The success of the activities is mainly shown by the number of people who participated in them and showed an interest in continuing them.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.