We are changing things around us

Project facts

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Other Project Partners
Awen Amenca(CZ)
Donors forum(CZ)
Voluntary Centre Ústí n. Labem(CZ)

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The low interest of citizens in public affairs leads to the weakening of the democratic regime. At present, 55% of the Czech population is civic passive, which can lead to radicalization and deepening the division of society. According to research from 2019, Czech society is divided into 6 classes. Members of the so-called endangered (22% of the population of the Czech Republic) and needy (18% of the population of the Czech Republic) groups live mainly in the Ústí nad Labem, Karlovy Vary and Moravian-Silesian regions. They are mainly young people, women, seniors. They have minimal / zero social capital (absence of social relationships, contacts, support networks, etc.). We will find and support local leaders of communities. We will strengthen their community leadership competencies. Then, they will further engage their public, unify communities.
We will be especially focused on women with small kids (disadvantaged) from the Ústí n. Labem and Moravian-Silesian regions, we will find 30 leaders
from these regions and will expand their competencies in civic engagement through our academy leadership project. We will extend the impact of their activities, to apr. 150 people, improve their skills for civic activities and municipal policy. We will introduce them to the public as those, followed and admired by others. These leaders thus could inspire others to be active in local communities. We will unify their position as educated and honored. Impact: over 10,000 people.

Summary of project results

In the project We are changing things around us, it was possible to find local active citizens, the so-called "leaders" of community and civic life. To strengthen their competences for their successful involvement in civic and community life, in decision-making and management positions and to multiply the impact of these activities on civil society in the regions of Ústí and Moravian-Silesian regions. Thanks to support from the project We are changing things around us, our graduates are now involving their public in the life of the place, they are succeeding in activating it.
We managed to connect the participants/graduates of our LAs with each other (they now work in many cases on joint activities or projects). We managed to permanently connect them with experts and partners from the public and commercial spheres. We have also increased the number of members of the platforms, which now operate independently of our management. The NGO Development Platform established its new legal independent form. The impact of our pilot-tested method in the area of citizen activation for work in civic activities and municipal politics has thus multiplied. It was reflected in local communities, local initiatives. The direct impact of our Leadership Academy program according to the citizens involved in the regions is 775 people.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.