Eliminating the Barriers in the System of Assistance for Intimate Partner Violence Victims

Project facts

Project promoter:
proFem - Center for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences(CZ)

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The project reacts to the barriers in institutionalized responses to intimate partner violence, assistance provided to its
victims and prevention. The aim of the project is to identify these barriers through the qualitative research in
cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and through the analysis of existing
methodological recommendations for helping professionals. Using this data, advocacy and lobbying activities will be
set up so the barriers in institutionalized responses to intimate partner violence are removed or their impact on
victims is reduced. 

Summary of project results

The area of partner violence has been the focus of attention for a long time, yet in our direct work we encounter victims whose life situation is not being addressed appropriately. We understand partner violence as a form of gender-based violence and as part of domestic violence, which is conceptually broader and includes partner and intergenerational violence. In the text, we use the term partner violence to refer specifically to partner domestic violence. The debate surrounding the adoption of the Istanbul Convention (IC) highlights the persistence of stereotypes and myths associated with it.
The existence of barriers to institutionalized responses to partner violence, assistance and support for victims and its prevention. 
(1) INAPPROPRIATE PRACTICES. 1. (1) The specific nature of partner violence and its impact is not taken into account by social services, OSPOD, police, courts and others; methodologies regulating working procedures are not updated or followed. 
(2) LACK OF ADVOCATE SERVICES: only 3 shelters, lack of crisis beds, unavailability of psychol. lack of support or lack of regional availability of legal advice.
(3) EXISTING TOOLS ARE NOT FLEXIBLE OR APPROPRIATE. Social benefits are not adapted to the victims'' situation (they do not respond to the rapid departure of the victim from the violent relationship), legislation is fragmented and there is no uniform legal framework (e.g. IU).

(4) UNINFORMED. The prevailing opinion is that existing tools for addressing and preventing partner violence are sufficient, while at the same time many myths and gender stereotypes are widespread. The public and the victims are not aware of the possibilities for assistance and their rights.
Victims remain in violent relationships, secondary victimisation occurs, the risk of social exclusion, poverty or retraumatisation increases, children witnessing partner violence learn inappropriate behaviour patterns. As a result, a signal is sent to tolerate violence.

The qualitative research mapped and analyzed the obstacles and barriers faced by victims of intimate partner violence in the system of assistance. The analysis demonstrates deficiencies that consequently lead to victims getting lost in the system and failing to get the support they need. The research results together with discussions with experts have led to the formulation of specific recommendations that were reflected in advocacy activities.

At the systemic level: Multiple areas and barriers as well as measures o how to overcome them were transposed in 

  • the governmental Action plan for the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence 2023 – 2026.  The plan highlights the need to strengthen the capacities of specialized services, to reflect the specifics of intersectional disadvantage, to build capacities of relevant actors, etc. 

  • the Domestic Violence Act. This act strengthens the protection of victims of domestic violence, it presents and unifies the definition of domestic violence (including post-separation violence). 

The implementation of the law and the fulfilment of the plan will have a long-term systemic positive impact on the situation of victims of intimate partner violence throughout the country.

Besides that, the project activities have contributed to raising public awareness of domestic violence and the assistance system.

At local/regional level

Memoranda of cooperation were concluded with the Regional Offices, by that they committed to reflect the issue of violence and to provide services in the South Moravian and Central Bohemian regions. Furthermore, the understanding of individual and systemic barriers within the Interdisciplinary teams of the intervention centers in Central Bohemian region was strengthen.

Thanks to the project partnership with the Institute of Sociology, the proFem organization strengthened its competence in the field of qualitative research. The institute''s professional know-how was a major contribution, thanks to which the results of the analysis were accepted by a wider professional public.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.