100 let od volebního práva žen: výzvy současnosti

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Fórum 50 %(CZ)
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Even though we will celebrate 100 years since women in Czechoslovakia gained women's suffrage, number of
women in Czech politics is still low. The main project's goal is to contribute to balanced representation of
women and men in political life. Project activities include analytical part (analysis of elections, gender equality in
political parties and barriers) and raising awareness part (recommendations for parties to increase women's
political participation, brochure about gender equality and discussion on the occasion of celebrating women's

Summary of project results

We see the long-term impact of the project in the regular and professional informing of target groups about the importance of equal representation of women in politics, at all levels. The project brought a lot of data and information that was presented within a wider context (why is the representation of women important, obstacles for women to enter politics, reasons for low motivation of women to enter politics, gender stereotypes, examples of good practice from abroad). The project brought "hard data" from regional results and senate elections and from the candidate lists for the House of Commons CR. As part of the project, materials "tailored to target groups" were created containing specific measures and recommendations to increase the representation of women in politics at all levels.Thanks to articles in the media, awareness of the topic of equal representation of women in politics has increased continuously throughout the entire period of project implementation, not only during the election period.All outputs were created by experts in the field. The educational materials served to raise awareness among the general public and will continue to be used by our organization.From our point of view, the project also had a good media impact, during the entire period of the project, a total of 25 articles with a direct link to the Forum 50% were published in the media, o.p.s.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.