Women on the frontline of Czech reporting

Project facts

Project promoter:
Centrum pro média, ekologii a demokracii, z. s.(CZ)
Project Number:
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The purpose of this grant is to stabilize and develop already a successful and respected investigative reporting unit of Deník Referendum – which currently consists of four women. 
We want to use the development of this unit, its reporting and the promotion of the work among readers – with a stress on women – to enhance supporters base od Deník Referendum news organization. That means we want to develop a sustainable fundraising strategy and implement a much better commuity building methods in our work. 

The goals of the project are:

- better promotion and visibility of the work of the Deník Referendum reporting department online and on social networks

- improving marketing and fundraising skills

- profit of regular donors

- increase in the number of female readers and donors

- increasing the total number of readers

- stabilization of the organization''s economic situation

- strengthening the reporting department of the editorial office and the impact of its work

Summary of project results

The project made possible to cover several key topics in the Czech media space with quality reports, in particular: the effects of the pandemic on specific disadvantaged socio-economic groups, the situation of sex workers, the health situation or Polish protests against abortion and the situation of women there. Dozens of elaborate texts with timeless value have been published, to which readers return and on which future journalistic work can be built. All these topics accentuated women''s issues and thus helped to spread awareness of problems that do not receive enough attention in the Czech media and public space.Thanks to the newsletters created within the project, we were also able to offer investigative articles published in the Referendum Diary to readers who were primarily looking for reports focused on women''s issues. On their interaction, we found that they were also very interested in this work.Following the impacts set out in the application: 1. FR strategy created. 2. The newsletter is sent out, the number of subscribers is more than 11 thousand, with an average open rate of 25.18%. 3. The number of regular donors increased many times over - the number of permanent donations in 03/2021 was 830 with an average donation value of CZK 217. This is lower than we planned, but as we stated during the project, the originally set amount of 300, - proved to be unrealistic (eg Donate states in comparison with similar organizations for a repeated donation modus 100, - and median 200, - ).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.