City as a space for creative learning

Project facts

Project promoter:
KVAS o.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Charles University(CZ)
DOC.DREAM services s.r.o.(CZ)
UMĚNÍM - Platform for creative education(CZ)

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Children and young people are traditionally not included in the discussion about important issues concerning the development of their city or local area. The prevailing idea is that they have nothing to say for themselves, that they are "not interested" and they need to be "educated"(a one-way process dictated from a position of authority) in order to have a worthwhile opinion. When children and young people are involved in discussion (e.g. through a class project), it is often a very formal process which is not age appropriate and does not coinsider their potential or their needs (e.g. taking place in adult-style meetings) and/or the process of involvement is very selective, involving only a sample of so-called "bright"; kids who are recognised as spokespersons of the class. The two-year project "The City as a Space for Creative Learning", was presented to the public through the campaign "Jihlava Matters to Me"; encourages young people not to be afraid to step up and be active citizens, take responsibility for their actions and opinions and reflect on the consequences of their actions or, on the contrary, their passivity.

The main activity of the project was seven long-term educational programmes starting in September 2021 in cooperation with teachers and cultural organisations. Through creative means, artists helped young people have their voices heard by the general public. Through the creation of their own film, theatre or visual art, pupils explored specific pressing issues in Jihlava. They presented their findings, opinions and arguments in public places in the city and at the pupils Pecha Kucha Night in spring 2022.

The pilot educational programmes in schools in Jihlava tested the possibilities of increasing action competence among pupils, while at the same time aiming to strengthen the competences of local, external teaching artists and teachers in the field of media literacy and civic education.

Summary of project results

1) Pupils involved in educational programmes

We are able to monitor the impact on pupils thanks to the evaluation, which evaluates data collected mainly from pupils. The answers show that pupils want and can influence things that concern them, or if they DO NOT want and CAN''T, they can name more or less objective obstacles. Pupils are also very good at identifying activating conditions or, conversely, barriers to expressing their voice. their voice - based on the project (and evaluation), the principles of creative learning can now be better applied to activate pupils and enable them to express their voice.

2) Cultural stakeholders - cultural organisations, lecturers and artists

For the cultural stakeholders involved, the project has increased the ability to apply the development of action competences in the implementation of their own cultural education projects. For most of them it was their first encounter with these principles and practices, but it is the cultural stakeholders who are the bearers of the sustainability of the project and the know-how acquired. Although we cannot speak of a significant systemic transformation of local cultures. The project is a "pilot" that has opened up the issue - and through activities such as the exhibition, the PechaKucha Night or the expert conference demonstrated the potential of applying action competences in creative learning projects.

3) Schools, municipality

The topic of children''s participation is perceived in schools and municipalities in a largely formal way. The real interest and ability of these institutions to activate children, to strengthen their action competences, creative thinking or to involve them in visions of the future is also very rare. We are therefore very sober in our assessment of the impact in this area, or we are aware that change at the level of these institutions needs to be directed at a systemic level. We perceive that the project is a carrier of a relatively unpopulated topic in the Czech context and the findings from the project are therefore very valuable and relevant in a national context. 


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.