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Training and subsequent support of local coordinators for an all-country project of water retention and landscape renovation. Handing over of theoretical and practical know-how will allow a wider participation of citizens in the process of land-use planning and climate-change mitigation. At least 50 motivated individuals will obtain tools for initiation of local water-retention projects and formation of local action groups. Replication of a successful project of water retention “Model Zdoňov” which was designed by Živá voda association in Broumovsko region.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to enable the public to take an active part in the fight against drought. At that time, the public felt threatened by climate change and had a significant interest in participating in the fight against drought. However, the state did not offer any systemic tools for the implementation of civic activities in this area.
Active citizens within the project obtained tools for the implementation of water retention projects in the landscape at the level of feasibility study. Based on the training and with continuous support, they created local groups and started implementing projects. They contacted the local government, landowners, and others, and carried out mapping, mapping, and study processing. Other citizens, including local government representatives and officials, attended lectures on climate change and drought management using Models and expressed interest in implementing projects in their localities. Self-government and state administration received incentives for the implementation of similar projects, and further negotiations were underway.
Results of the project:
Strengthened citizens'' ability to orient themselves in the causes and possibilities of adaptation to climate change. The ability to participate in processes increased, with 65 coordinators actively engaged in their localities. They conducted intensive field mapping and collected data for the creation of studies. At least 9 studies had already been completed, and another 21 were in a high degree of development. The interest of municipalities in dealing with drought in their territory was increasing, with more and more showing serious interest in carrying out the study.
Provided citizens with systemic, practical tools for initiating landscape restoration projects. The coordinators applied the acquired professional and communication tools in their localities to influence the system. At least 26 of them acted at the level of municipalities or regions.
Started the emergence of autonomous local initiatives. Coordinators, either individually or in mutual cooperation, through existing or newly established associations, initiated activities in their localities. At that time, the project was cooperating with 15 active local associations, both new and existing.
Put pressure on self-government and state administration to create systemic tools for adaptation to climate change, which would be in accordance with democratic principles.