School Helps Children at Risk

Project facts

Project promoter:
Czech Society for Inclusive Education(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Mimo domov
Vteřina poté


The aim of the project is to provide support for schools so they could build their own capacity to respond to the needs of vulnerable children and defend their rights. Support will be provided through the implementation of a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports framework (further as PBIS), supporting children in following school behavior expectations and providing effective interventions to children in need of behavioral support. The PBIS framework helps schools to build a safe and predictable environment and involves students and parents in building positive school environment. The pilot implementation and adaptation of PBIS to Czech conditions will be carried out at three elementary schools with a higher proportion of children at risk. At the system level, the aim of the project is to incorporate the principles of PBIS into the educational content of universities preparing future teachers and within the further education of pedagogical staff. The project will be implemented in cooperation with experts from the USA and the Netherlands, who will provide professional training for future PBIS coaches and implementation teams in schools. Trained PBIS coaches for the Czech Republic will be then competent in disseminating the PBIS framework after completing their training. The project will also include several events for the general public, where the principles of PBIS and the benefits of implementing the PBIS framework not only for vulnerable children, but all pupils and school staff will be introduced.

Summary of project results

In the Czech Republic there is a large need to manage misbehaviour in primary schools. Due to a certain lack of evidence-based approaches, many teachers and schools either use less-effective strategies that in some cases are not beneficial to a long term social-emotional development of children or leave the profession. Our aim was to pilot and adapt the PBIS implementation framework to enhance the competency to support positive behaviour and use effective strategies to address misbehaviour in schools.

Due to the lack of experts who are oriented in the PBIS framework we needed to create methodologies and resources that would allow schools to start PBIS implementation as well as train PBIS coaches (experts in the field of education) who would be able to consult the process with schools and support the implementation on their sight.

During the project preparation we have uncovered that student training at the Faculties of Education is highly fractured and include fragments of effective evidence-based approaches helping future teachers to address misbehaviour and support children wellbeing. Thus, we have included the education about PBIS into key subject at Charles University and initiated cooperation between Czech pedagogical faculties striving to implement current evidence-based approaches into student training.

As part of the project, we adapted a PBIS implementation framework to the Czech environment. The three-tiered support for students is flexible and universally applicable in various settings, and this structure is integrated into all SOFA activities. Through project implementation, our focus has shifted to the broader context of the educational system. Within SOFA, we have:

1. Supported schools during implementation of PBIS: Milestone A (Introductory Training for Selected 3 Elementary Schools in the PBIS Program + Seminar with Foreign Lecturers) and Milestone C (Implementation of the PBIS System in the Involved 3 Schools);

2. Influenced pre-service education for future educators: Milestone D (Implementation of PBIS Principles into Educational Contents for Future Teachers + Ongoing Training for Educational Staff);

3. Trained experts in supporting schools during implementation: Milestone B (Training for Future PBIS Coaches)

4. Influenced the educational system: Milestone F (Final Evaluation of the Pilot Phase and Finalization of Outputs);

5. Developed methodological materials: related to Milestone A, B, C and D;

6. Expanded the SOFA team and PBIS funding: Milestone E (Enhancement of Organization''s Capacity).

Four pilot schools have implemented the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) framework, aimed at fostering a sense of safety and predictability for both students and educators. School staff assess the project''s benefits positively, continue to work on PBIS development, and concurrently share their experiences with other elementary schools.

During the project implementation phase, a total of 1703 students from the pilot schools were affected by the change in the educators'' approach. Over the coming years, we anticipate sustaining and expanding PBIS in the pilot schools, with ongoing consultative support. Simultaneously, PBIS is currently being introduced in additional schools.

Twelve schools beyond the pilot phase are in the early stages of implementing PBIS principles. The development of methodological materials, conference records, and articles on PBIS significantly enhances the quality of implementation and will continue to be utilized for PBIS development in the Czech Republic.

Other organizations, such as low-threshold facilities, educational and psychological counselling centres, mental health teams, and additional non-profit organizations, are now adopting PBIS principles and using public methodologies to further develop their work.

Education at pedagogical faculties has been influenced by the collaboration between MUNI, UK, UPOL, UJEP, JCU, aiming to (1) integrate PBIS into the education of student teachers and (2) expand the research verification of PBIS in the Czech environment.

The organization SOFA has been significantly strengthened through the project''s implementation. The expansion of the PBIS concept in the Czech context remains one of the organization''s key priorities.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.