Digitizing the Museum of Cyprus

Project facts

Project promoter:
Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works(CY)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The purpose of the projects is the digitisation of movable antiquities stored and exhibited in the museums in Cyprus to enable easier data access and improve the overview and protection of antiquities. More specifically, the project aims to digitise over 81 000 movable antiquities stored in the Cyprus Museum storerooms and about 14 000 movable antiquities exhibited in other governmental museums in Cyprus. This project is a continuation of the ‘Cyprus Archaeological Digitisation Programme – CADiP’ project co-funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2004-2009.

Main activities shall include:

  • upgrading CADiP database infrastructure, which includes the replacement of the existing server and its software and the expansion of the memory storage;
  • digitisation of movable antiques stored in the Cyprus Museum and exhibited in the other governmental museums in Cyprus.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to digitise movable antiquities stored and exhibited in the museums in Cyprus in order to enable easier data access and to improve the overview and protection of antiquities.

Upgrade of existing CADiP server/memory capacity and existing CADiP software, purchase of cameras, peripheral equipment (laptops) and multi-purpose equipment (printer, scanner), digitisation of movable antiquities (8 archeologists salaries) and publicity.

More than 87000 movable antiquities digitised and 8 archaeologists employed for the duration of the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.