INNOVATIVE COOPERATION for improved business development and employability in the municipality of Valchi dol

Project facts

Project promoter:
Agenda Ltd.(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Einurd Ltd.(IS)

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AGENDA Ltd, in partnership with the Icelandic organization EINURD, join efforts to develop and implement innovative approaches to stimulate employment and business in the municipality of Valchi dol. The project partners in cooperation with the Municipal Administration, employers, vocational schools and the Directorate of the Labour Office in Valchi dol will set up an innovative COOPERATION CENTRE (CC), through which effective conditions will be created for the recruitment, training and successful employment of job seekers. AGENDA and EINURD will develop a Charter for quadrilateral cooperation, defining the rights, responsibilities, ethical principles and work rules of the local partners, Mentoring and Training Program, and Internship Program. This toolkit is innovative not only at the municipal level but also at the national level. It will provide additional opportunities to promote vocational education in the region. Through it, we will differentiate and improve the methods of recruitment, attraction and management of staff, the systematic support of trainees and their employers throughout the entire training period. In the implementation phase of the project activities, AGENDA will open two job positions for coordinators in Valchi Dol Municipality. At the start of the project, representatives of EINURD will visit Valchi dol and will introduce their project partner and stakeholders to the best practices in establishing local community councils, centers for cooperation, training and support for businesses, internship and apprenticeship schemes in Iceland. Two information events will be jointly organised - for job seekers and job providers and six training modules for employers. At the end of the project, we will conduct a three-day visit to Iceland, to present the developed toolkit, the results of its implementation, and to promote the contribution and financial support of the Programme, the Programme Operator and the Small Grant Scheme donor countries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.