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The project is aimed at one of the largest and marginalized Roma communities (RC) in Northwestern Bulgaria - in the Montana Municipality and the Boychinovtsi Municipality - about 8,500 people. The main goal is to improve the life of this community by significantly improving access to health, social and educational services, contributing to a lasting change in attitudes towards the RC in Montana, working to overcome segregation and creating sustainable models for Roma inclusion in local community management. The project will build a sustainable network of 5 support offices located within the RC themselves, through which the envisaged basic and additional services will be provided, access to the systems of the institutions will be provided and individual support will be provided, information will be collected and disseminated and other important activities will be carried out. The existing team of 5 mediators will be expanded with the engagement of 4 more associates. It is envisaged to establish a coordination mechanism with the involvement of representatives of institutions, NGOs, leaders of the RC and experts. The project will contribute to the empowerment of Roma and the overcoming of both discriminatory models towards the community and internal discrimination. Numerous thematic trainings are planned for the permanent increase of the capacity for work with Roma in both municipalities - (for project team, representatives of the institutions, key representatives of the RC) in order to develop positive attitudes and achieve multiplier effect within the community. The project envisages conducting 3 thematic information campaigns - to improve access to services, to overcome discrimination and segregation, to promote good practices in the country and in other countries. Along with the innovative activities, proven traditional activities such as summer school, meetings with the parents of the children, subject to compulsory coverage, etc. are also envisaged.
Summary of project results
The main problems were the lack of motivation of children and parents from the Roma community for education; difficult access to quality healthcare for the purpose of prevention and early detection of serious diseases, due to lack of or interrupted health insurance rights; negative attitudes between the two main groups; refusals by the municipal authorities to provide social benefits due to lack of address registration (a part of the Roma community lives in illegal buildings not in regulation); difficult access of Roma to legal aid; lack of Roma leaders who would be an example and motivation for the rest of the people.
The main goal of improving the lives of this community with easier access to health, social and educational services has been achieved through the conduct of free gynecological and cardiological examinations, as well as through numerous trainings and workshops. The coordinational board with participation of representatives of different municipal and state administrations, schools, Roma leaders and NGOs was established. Established four support offices in the municipalities of Montana nad Boychinovtsi, where representatives of the Roma community were able to receive social, educational and administrative support, consultations and on-site services. Roma educational and labour mediators provided outreach activities in the Roma communities.
Project activities provided trainings for children on practical skills, work in an online environment; thematic workshops in schools/kindergartens within the two municipalities Montana and Boychinovtsi and 5 study rooms to support students with difficulties; summer school for children whom mother language is not Bulgarian, provision of educational materials and food; Legal aid was provided, as well as video materials with questions from the consultations in understandable language - created and uploaded to the project website. Activities have been launched to legalize some of the buildings in the Roma neighborhoods. Activities were implemented to raise awareness and mutual acceptance between the two ethnic groups, increase knowledge of rights, especially of women, and overcome internal discrimination and existing prejudices.
The main goal - through effective integrated approaches to create sustainable mechanisms for improving the condition and opportunities of people living in marginalized Roma communities in the municipalities of Montana and Boychinovtsi - has also been achieved,more than 1350 people from Roma ethnicity received at least two different services (educational, social, legal, labour, etc.), according to their needs and requirements. 2,000 people benefited from free medical examinations, 200 children were prepared to strart school with better understanding in Bulgarian language. hundreds of hours of consultations and training on issues of various nature - legal assistance, health issues, educational problems, finding a job, etc.
Summary of bilateral results
In March 2023 two-day forum was held in Bulgaria with the participation of the representatives of the partnering organization - Bakkaborg kindergarten, Iceland. An exchange of experience and good practices was carried out with the partners and practical training for kindergarten teachers was conducted in the field of integrated measures for inclusion and empowerment of minority groups, with an emphasis on access to quality education. In 2024, representatives of the municipalities Montana and Boychinovtsi visited the partners from Bakkaborg, Iceland, aiming at exchange experience and good practices in the field of multicultural education, responsible parenting, increaseing emotional and social development in children.