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The overall goal of the project is to pilot an "Integrated complex for integrated services", based on effective and sustainable impact mechanisms, active participation of the Roma community and cooperation between local authorities and institutions targeted to improve the living conditions of the people who live in the four neighborhoods. The project aims to: improve the access of Roma from the 4 neighborhoods to better services by creating a qualified multidisciplinary team, building an "Integrated complex for integrated services" by renovating and equipping a former public bath managed by the ROMA-LOM Foundation, providing integrated services and expanding the capacity of the institutions in the municipality; empower the Roma communities through the establishment and development of a Community Development Council and a of Active Advocacy Group, Coordination Mechanism and direct participation in the preparation of a strategy for development of services offered in the next 5 years after the project; establish a sustainable mechanism for counteracting all forms of discrimination through activities to increase the level of acceptance between the Roma and the main population and to counteract discrimination and negative attitudes against the Roma population.
Summary of project results
The project was meant to address the needs of Roma population living in 4 separate neighborhoods in Lom municipality, and during its preparation the following main problems and needs were identified:
Employment issues:
- No motivation or willingness to work. Economic passivity. There was no service to provide a proactive approach to the discouraged and chronically unemployed;
- Lack of professional qualification and key competencies for successful employment. Poor command of Bulgarian language was another barrier preventing employment;
- No confidence when starting a new job, lost motivation due to lack of actual and timely support when personal and family problems arise, preventing the maintenance of employment. Lack of individualized and flexible forms of support for solving such problems.
Issues related to access to social services:
- The distance of the four neighborhoods from the places where social services were provided;
- Social services fail to meet the specific needs of Roma community;
- Mechanisms for coordination between individual services are missing;
- Lack of flexible forms of support, such as mobile social work, as well as proactive approach in engaging with individuals from the target group.
Health-related issues:
- Some representatives of the target group were uninsured and had no family doctor, which deprived them of access to healthcare and preventive examinations;
- Low health culture, no explanatory campaigns about the need for health insurance and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Problems related to the activity of Roma communities:
- No interaction between the citizens and local government;
- No initiatives for inclusion of the target group in public life, e.g., joint cultural events, community initiatives. This created disinterest in the social processes and made integration difficult.
- Low civil activity of the Roma community, which manifested itself mainly in relation to education.
The overall project objective was to pilot an Integrated Service Complex to improve the condition and opportunities of people living in the 4 neighborhoods in Lom municipality, based on effective integrated approaches, sustainable impact mechanisms, active participation of the Roma community and cooperation between local institutions. The project proposal also addressed three specific goals: 1) To increase the access of Roma and other vulnerable groups from the 4 neighborhoods to better social assistance, education, employment and healthcare services; 2) To empower Roma communities in the 4 neighborhoods including Roma women and youth, for their active participation in decision-making processes affecting their lives, both on the collective and individual level; and 3) To create a sustainable mechanism for opposing all forms of discrimination and negative attitudes against the Roma population in the municipality of Lom.
The main project activities were set up in four main directions: 1) Increasing the access of Roma from the 4 neighborhoods to better services by creating a qualified multidisciplinary team, building an “Integrated Service Complex” by renovating and equipping a former bathhouse under the management of ROMA-LOM Foundation, providing integrated services and expanding the capacity of institutions in the municipality; 2) Empowerment of Roma in the 4 neighborhoods through the creation and development of a Council for Community Development and a Group of Active Advocates, a Coordination Mechanism and direct participation in the preparation of a strategy for the development of the services offered over a period of 5 years after the completion of the project; 3) Creating a sustainable mechanism for opposing all forms of discrimination through activities to increase the level of acceptance between Roma and the mainstream population and counter discrimination and negative attitudes against the Roma population; and 4) Activities for sharing good practices in Bulgaria and with the partner from Norway.
With regard to the main target group, i.e., 7,516 Roma living in segregated communities in Humata, Momin Brod, Mladenovo and Stadiona neighborhoods, the following was achieved:
А. Improved Roma inclusion and empowerment through: 1) participation in the IKU team; 2) creation of 7 new jobs under the project; 3) training for professionals and volunteers; 4) increased participation of Roma experts and professionals both in project management and in the provision of integrated services through participation in professional teams; 5) participation in the Coordination Unit through its structures - Community Development Council, Advocacy Group, multidisciplinary teams and the ROMA-LOM Foundation team; 6) participation and building better cooperation between the target communities and social partners through the Coordination Unit for creating and increasing social capital at the local level; 7) creation of two structures, a Council for Community Development and a Group of Active Advocates; 8) direct participation in the development of a strategy for the development of services in the municipality of Lom after the completion of the project; 9) skills acquired after training for communication and teamwork; conflict management and resolution; leadership, strategic planning; advocacy;
B. Social, educational, health and employment services provided to 764 people from Roma community;
C. Increased level of acceptance of Roma by the majority population through a number of activities carried out such as information campaigns, increased legal knowledge, public debates, holding a round table, holding a public speech contest against hate speech, making and distributing a video, promoting success stories Roma, etc.
Summary of bilateral results
Three online conferences were held with the participation of experts/organizations/municipalities implementing successful models for inclusion and empowerment and representatives of Lom Municipality, project partners, and other stakeholders, on the following topics: 1) Inclusion of children and increasing access to education (March 29, 2024); 2) Practices for inclusion and active civic participation of young Roma and Roma women (April 5, 2024); and 3) Models for successful implementation of integrated services. In the period April 14-17, 2024, 2 experts from Norway visited Lom for exchange good practices. A work program was prepared and future actions in the direction of upgrading and developing the activities after the completion of the project were identified. By familiarizing with leading models in Norway, the project management team received information that is basic and will allow to build on and develop what has been started after the completion of the project activities. The building and strengthening of relations with the donor partner gave impetus to the official representatives of the local government to look for institutional and financial development of the model and search for opportunities to upgrade it.