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Building capacity for educational and social inclusion by providing relevant trainings in different fields to several types of participants involved in implementation of other projects in the Local Development Programme. Development of an e-platform, meant to become a knowledge hub on inclusive education, upgrading of the existing training framework - methodological framework and basic content for the work of educational mediators, methodological framework and training program for the youth workers, development of a methodology and а training program for teachers and pedagogical specialists for working on multicultural and multiethnic educational environment (for the university professors), development of a training module for youth workers, educational mediators, non-pedagogical staff, to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies for prevention and protection against discrimination and anti-gypsyism; Trainings of trainers for youth workers, educational mediators, university professor; Trainings for youth workers, educational mediators, pedagogues in early childhood education and care and municipal employees. Exchange of experience and capacity building for the staff of the CEICSEM, for university professors and for the management staff of the youth centres.
Summary of project results
The main challenge of the project was to ensure that all experts, i.e.,- youth workers, university professors, educational mediators, pedagogical specialists and municipal employees working with Roma communities as vulnerable groups who are part of the teams for the implementation of the projects financed under the "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion" Programme, are well prepared to provide services in accordance with the existing European standards and approaches in the field of early childhood education and care, youth policies, social policies, etc.
The project implementation achieved its goal, i.e., to build administrative capacity for educational and social inclusion by providing training to university professors, teachers, municipal employees, Roma educational mediators and youth workers, all involved in the implementation of other projects in the "Local Development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups" Programme.
To achieve this goal: An electronic platform was developed; The existing training frameworks were upgraded for youth workers, Roma educational mediators, non-teaching staff, municipal representatives and developing new ones for teachers, university lecturers, as well as a training package with specialized anti-discrimination modules for university lecturers, teachers and non-teaching staff; Trainers of youth workers, educational mediators and university professors were trained; University professors, pedagogues, youth workers, educational mediators, non-teaching staff and municipal employees were trained; Four information and publicity events were organized; Four training visits were conducted aiming at capacity building and exchange of experience with university lecturers, youth workers, municipal officials, educational mediators, team of the center in Oslo (European Wergeland Center, who after the first visit were attracted as our second project partner and conducted a second training for educational mediators and pedagogues), in Lisbon Youth Center, in Budapest International Youth Center and in Bratislava; SWOT analysis of the normative regulation for the practices of educational mediators for participation in MES policies was developed; Pedagogical specialists and non-pedagogical staff were trained on key competences "Personal, social and learning skills" from the Framework of key competences for lifelong learning; A short-term qualification course for educational mediators was held by Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" project partner.
Five training frameworks, a plan and a program for postgraduate qualification of educational mediators were developed, two specialized training programs were developed - "Training for prevention and protection from forms of discrimination" and "Monitoring and actions against hate speech, anti-Gypsyism and misinformation in social networks", web-based training platform were created under the project. More than 250 people assigned to projects funded under the "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups" Programme took part in various training programs. One international scientific practical conference was organized, during which analyzes of the existing practices for the educational inclusion of vulnerable groups and an analysis of the regulatory framework for the activities of the educational mediators in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Portugal, Romania, the Vergeland European Center, the Council of Europe, were presented. Training visits were organized and more than 50 people from Bulgaria visited Norway and Iceland for exchange of experience and good practices.
Summary of bilateral results
Training was conducted by the European Vergeland Center in Oslo for 10 educational mediators, 10 school teachers/directors and 5 CEICSEM''s representatives including the Management Board, through the implementation of a program for competences in democratic citizenship, educational and social inclusion and a comprehensive school approach.