Earth Friendly Green Dry Cleaning – an innovation in Bulgaria

Project facts

Project promoter:
Green Dry Cleaning Ltd.(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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The overall goal of the project is to make the company “Green Dry Cleaning” Ltd. more competitive and adaptable to the current market and environmental needs.

The specific goals of the project are to invest in and apply new for the company energy and water efficient technology and to offer a greener cleaning service by using organic and eco-friendly solvents, which is an innovative approach to dry cleaning process in Bulgaria. By investing in and applying new for the company energy efficient equipment and by offering a green service – excluding the traditional PERC solvents from the cleaning process, the Project Promoter will directly solve the current needs, which are in compliance with the Programme’s objectives, namely: 
- To increase company’s annual growth in turnover by 30% a year after project implementation;
- To increase company’s net operating profit a year after the new energy efficient equipment is installed and the new green service is offered.

The project main outcomes are:
1. Decrease of CO2 emissions with at least 50 % compared to the current dry cleaners in Bulgaria thanks to the investment in new energy and water efficient equipment, which will be applied in the company (30 % less electricity consumption on an annual basis and at least 20 % water consumption on an annual basis compared to the current dry cleaners in Bulgaria).
2. Additional decrease of CO2 emissions will be saved as a result of the fact that the new organic solvents are more sparing and gently towards garments and extend garment’s life, which in a long-term perspective will lead to a sustainable effect and decrease of CO2 emissions.
3. Decrease of VOC Perchloroethylene emissions (by removing and replacing perc) by 126 kg/ year later starting from the implementation of the project and replacing the Perc with eco-friendly and green solvents.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.