Innovative multicomponent plant bio stimulant from sewage sludge

Project facts

Project promoter:
Atlas Agro Science Ltd.(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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The overall goal of the project is to recycle organic waste with high nutritional content, such as of sewage sludge and bio-wastes, into a bio stimulant for agricultural and landscaping application as an innovative and 100% waste-free solution. Through implementation of the innovative technique and production of a sustainable, market competitive product, the competitiveness of Atlas Agro Science Ltd. will improve substantially and without any negative effects on the environment.

In terms of environmental impact:
a)    A significant reduction in the quantity of waste (sewage sludge) sent for incineration of 460 tons by end project and avoided ~735,000‬ KG of CO2 emissions from combustion;
b)    Production of a bio stimulant that will improve plant immune system, increase resistance to abiotic stresses (droughts, floods, extreme weather conditions) and climate change, stronger root system, increased fertility, and improved soil conditions;
c)    Reduced environmental and climate footprint in contrast to synthetic and chemical fertilizers.

With better understanding of markets and product segmentation, the applicant would be able to execute refined future international sales strategy. Atlas Agro Sciences Ltd. has thoroughly analysed competitors and markets and would be ready to produce final go-to-market product and meet new potential customers. Moreover, the bio stimulant offers great benefits for farmers. It can lead to 15% bigger yield on a variety of crops with decreased usage of standard fertilizers, thereby increasing farmers'' income.

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