Investment in recycling packaging technology for monomaterial tube for cosmetic products

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AROMA''s primary objective is to invest in state-of-the-art packaging technology that is fully recyclable and to establish an in-house packaging production process that is both highly efficient and environmentally responsible. Furthermore, AROMA PLC is planning to venture into the realm of digital printing, a rapidly evolving field with a key advantage: minimal industrial waste. By doing so, the company aims to streamline the development and launch of new designs, eliminate the need for consumables and labor in cliché preparation, and reduce associated costs, all while shortening lead times for introducing new products and enhancing design quality.

The core goal of this project is to enhance the company''s competitiveness by undertaking several key initiatives:

  1. Investment in cutting-edge environmentally friendly technology for crafting 100% recyclable packaging, positioning AROMA PLC as a trailblazer in the Bulgarian cosmetics industry.
  2. The adoption of digital printing to elevate the visual appeal of the company''s products, leveraging personalization possibilities provided by this technology to make the products more captivating to customers.
  3. Strengthening the company''s competitive edge and establishing it as a pioneer of innovation in the cosmetics industry.
  4. Fostering awareness and encouraging proactive practices among competitors and the industry at large, with a focus on reducing the environmental impact of plastic manufacturing processes.

The incorporation of circularity principles into the production process is expected to significantly boost the company''s competitiveness. The introduction of 100% recyclable tubes, coupled with enhanced packaging aesthetics, all while maintaining affordability, will provide the products with a unique competitive advantage. This advantage is poised to become a driving force behind the company''s economic performance in the years to come.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.