Integrated innovative VMS for boats and small ships -i2VMS

Project facts

Project promoter:
Scortel Ltd(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
FourC AS(NO)

More information


Scortel Ltd., headquartered in Sofia with regional offices in Burgas and Varna, is a market leader in maritime solutions in Bulgaria. Specializing in Vessels Monitoring Systems (VMS) and Maritime Information Systems (MIS), Scortel operates under NACE code 62.09, offering IT services, equipment supply, system integration, and consulting for satellite communications, GPS tracking, mobile video surveillance, and automated information systems for land and maritime businesses. The company, led by Mr. Stefan Bashalov, has established a strong market presence locally and internationally, delivering quality solutions to private clients and public authorities.

Recognizing a common challenge among local vessel operators in the Black Sea region—particularly outdated practices leading to high fuel consumption—Scortel proposes the i2VMS technological solution. Targeting vessels between 10 and 50 meters, this set of hardware and software aims to optimize speed selection, implement effective fuel-saving measures, and automate data collection and transmission. The i2VMS installation is estimated to save approximately 900 liters of diesel per vessel annually, providing significant cost savings for operators.

With prior experience in delivering VMS and MIS for Bulgaria, Scortel, with Norwegian partner FourC AS, plans to develop i2VMS from TRL 6 to TRL 8 and beyond. This project not only addresses a common issue in the Black Sea countries but also marks an important step for FourC AS''s entrance into the maritime solutions niche.


The technological collaboration between Scortel Ltd. (Bulgaria) and FourC AS (Norway) under this project yields innovative products for Scortel and advances the application of cloud monitoring technology for FourC, establishing a promising foundation for long-term cooperation and market expansion for both companies.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.