Rehabilitation and modernization of municipal infrastructure - systems for external artificial lighting in 6 /six/ settlements in Dupnitsa Municipality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Municipality of Dupnitsa(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Greenzone AS(NO)

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The project is a result of identified needs of Dupnitsa municipality for rehabilitation and modernization of street and park lighting, with the aim of increasing energy efficiency, reducing harmful CO2 emissions, providing lighting standards, improving the living conditions of the population, as well as increasing the expertise of municipal capacity in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy management. The project involves the implementation of a set of activities for the rehabilitation and modernization of the municipal infrastructure of the municipality of Dupnitsa - systems for external artificial lighting in 6 / six / settlements, prescribed in a prepared report for the energy efficiency audit, incl. In order to reduce the economic and social disparities in the EEA and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor country and the beneficiary, activities are planned for the exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices at management and expert levels - holding a roundtable and study visits to Norway and conducting roundtables, workshops and site visits in the municipality of Dupnica. Management and audit activities are envisaged to ensure the successful implementation of the project, to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the use of Grants and to ensure sustainability of the results achieved.An information and publicity plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Communication and Design Guide EEA FM 2014-2021 and Annex 3 of the Regulation, which will maximize the promotion of cooperation between the Municipality of Dupnitsa and the Partner, project activities, objectives, results and indicators, as well as the contribution of the EEA FM. The project proposal is integrated and at the implementation stage will be respected the basic principles and values within the EEA 2014-2021, incl. good governance, sustainable development, gender equality and non-discrimination, zero tolerance for corruption.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.