Implementation of RES through the construction of a geothermal heat pump installation and reconstruction of a heating installation at Nursery №3, Burgas

Project facts

Project promoter:
Municipality of Burgas(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norsk Energi AS(NO)

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The building of Nursery No. 3 has basic EE measures in place and the implementation of the main activity of the project will increase the share of energy from renewable geothermal energy in the final energy consumption of the building and reduce the costs of conventional energy used for heating and cooling. The project foresees the construction of a geothermal heat pump installation for heating and cooling and the implementation of an energy consumption monitoring system. The partner is Norsk Energi, together with the municipality, will implement activities to exchange experiences and best practices in the field of sustainable energy supply and the use of RES. Target groups are 130 nursery children aged 1-3 years and their parents; 43 nursery staff; municipal employees working in the field of Energy efficiency-10. Project implementation will result in 174,7053 kWh/yr primary energy savings; 276.61 tCO2 emissions saved; 171.6 kW installed capacity for heating and cooling, including hot water supply; 234,414 kWh estimated annual energy production from RES.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.