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The main results to be achieved with the rehabilitation of the SEAL are the reduction of energy costs by 81.7%, which equals 533.30 MWh /year, with an environmental annual equivalent of 629.26 tonnes of saved CO2 emissions. Overall objectives: Minimize energy consumption and increase the efficiency of the used energy resources, as well as cooperation between representatives of Bulgaria and Norway, in order to promote social and economic development processes and reduce economic and social disparities within the EEA. Specific objectives: 1) Rehabilitation and modernization of systems for external artificial lighting in four settlements in Haskovo Municipality, incl. replacement of luminaires, introduction of a System for distant group management and control and monitoring of electricity consumption of street lighting, construction of an Installation for the production of electricity for own needs from renewable sources; 2) Improve the quality and efficiency of street lighting and reducing operational costs; 3) Reduce financial expenses for consumed electricity; 4) Reduce electricity consumption and gas emissions accompanying electricity production; 5) Ensure the safe movement of motor vehicles, enhance the safety of pedestrian traffic at night and create a comfortable night atmosphere; 6) Achieve social equality and improve the living conditions of the residents of Haskovo Municipality; 7) Exchange of good practices and solutions with experts from Haskovo Municipality and IDN and establishing long-term cooperation in the field of EE.