Rehabilitation and modernization of the external artificial lighting system of the municipality of Sandanski

Project facts

Project promoter:
Sandanski Municipality(BG)
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This project proposal envisages the rehabilitation and modernization of the external artificial lighting system in the town of Sandanski by implementing selected measures to improve its energy efficiency.  We anticipate the implementation of the following major energy-saving measures: → ECM 1 "Replacing Existing Street Lighting with New Energy Efficient LED Lighting" → ESM 2 “Introduction of a system of centralized intelligent street lighting management” - allowing planning, monitoring, control of electricity costs for street lighting → ESM 3 “Generation of energy from RES for self-consumption from street lighting in Sandanski” - providing electricity for more than 10% of the total energy consumption for street lighting in Sandanski. This project proposal aims to implement appropriate energy saving measures through technological upgrading and modernization of the external artificial lighting systems owned by the Municipality of Sandanski, which will improve the living conditions of the local population and the numerous tourists and visitors. The implementation of the set of measures will achieve the following specific objectives: → Reducing CO2 emissions as a result of reduced electricity consumption; → Reducing the cost of electricity for street lighting; → Improvement of the quality of street and park lighting in accordance with BDS EN13201 / 2016; → Reduction of light pollution caused by street lighting. Direct pollution from street lights is zero because they only emit in the lower hemisphere; → Reduction of the relative consumption of electricity for street lighting per 1 inhabitant (kWh / inhabitant); → Reduction of annual maintenance costs and consumables Overal goal: Total annual savings ∆Еyear.LED as a result of the replacement of existing luminaires with new LED street luminaires is 76% of the total savings.

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